Do you have
300 , * 500 , 1000 , \ 1 I or more, to invest ? ■
I \
“ TTs i t im p o r t a n t that I go tonight? JL It has been a hard day and this is a long drive.” Yet he* would not hesitate to go if this were an impor tant business engagement. This was a call on a friend seriously ill, who had not made a decision to receive Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. If Mr. White did not go this evening, he didn’t know when he would have an opportunity again. So he made the trip of sixty-five miles to present Christ once more to his friend because of deep concern for his spiritual welfare. He had spoken to him several times before with no apparent result, but on this particular evening the friend respond ed to the invitation to make the great decision. Succeeding events verified Mr. White’s deep concern. Truly it was his last opportunity to ask his friend to decide for Christ. But why should we be so con cerned about others? Because there is no one else except those who realize the great urgency to receive God’s redeeming grace in their lives. It is more than a passive interest in our friends and associates. It is a sense of deep responsibility induced by the Holy Spirit. It is making us aware of our responsibilities. It is God’s way of alerting us to an occasion for spirit ual service. Maybe a Sunday school pupil has been crowding in on our attention. A situation in a friend’s life may have prompted us to consider his spiritual welfare. It may come suddenly in a casual conversation with an acquaint ance that we should speak for our Lord and provide the occasion for a decision for Him. Sometimes it may seem out of place, but it is rarely the wrong time or too difficult. Our concern should be the indication that God’s Spirit is directing us to speak for Him. The story about the lost sheep didn’t tell how many hours it took the shepherd to find the sheep. Nor did it say how tired the shepherd was when he found the sheep. It does say that he was concerned about the lost sheep and went out and found the one that was lost. It also says, “ He returned rejoicing.” Act on your concern! Act! Act now!
. . . and would you like to put these funds into effective and profitable use? Then,
youshouldknowabout MOODY ANNUITIES Christian men and women are often concerned about the matter of in vesting their funds. Some do not wish to become involved in stocks and bonds because of the fluctu ation and uncertainty of economic conditions. But they are interested in security and an assured incom e. Moody Annuities meet both of these requirements. This is what you should know about Moody Annu ities: (1) , . . they assure an income up to
8 i/2percent (depending on your age) and this for as long as you live. To support this guarantee are the re sources of Moody Bible Institute. In more than 55 years, the Institute has never missed an annuity dividend (2) your annuity funds are carefully put to work in the great program of Moody Bible Institute, and thus you share directly in the blessings of this world-wide gospel ministry. payment. And in addition, this extra dividend . . •
W O U L D Y O U L I K E TO R E C E I V E D O U B L E D I V I D E N D S O N Y O U R M O N E Y ? We’ll be happy to send you the f r e e booklet, d o u b l e d iv id e n d s , which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail. It contains a chart showing income rate for all ages, explains tax benefits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share.
WRITE: Annuity Dupartmunt
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MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE S20 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, llllnol* □ Please send me, without obligation, d o u b l e d iv id en d s , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, w h e r e t h e r e ’ s A w il l , relating to stewardship. Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _— ■ City ____________________________________________________________________________________ Zone ___________ State -------------------------------------------
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