King's Business - 1963-10

Frank, wholesome counsel for youth

contributors, this definitely places, this book in the category of a dictionary of Biblical doctrine, as well as of the more conventional matters of Biblical facts, persons, places, etc. Many of the contributors treat these doctrinal subjects in the manner of the Biblical theologian. This is good. It is not to be supposed that this will be a definitive dictionary of Biblical theology. The discipline is too new in its fuller development, but anyone interested in what the Bible teaches doctrinally will find the Zondervan Pictorial Dictionary providing an ad­

The Sanctity of Sex Stephen F. Olford and Frank A. Lawes For young people in their teens and twenties, this manual blends common sense, physiology and scriptural exposition. Jack Wyrt- zen says, “ It unwraps innermost secrets .of the body and shows the way every young man and woman can ‘walk in beauty’ and achieve life’s greatest glories through Christian dating, Chris­ tian engagements and the Chris­ tian home.” The Sanctity o f Sex is a complete, Bible-based pre­ marital guide for youth, and for pastors, parents, teachers and leaders o f youth. Cloth, $2.95 • Paper, $1.00

The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary

General editor: Merrill C. Tenney Bible dictionaries are coming out at the rate o f two or three a year. Each one has its own particular con­ tribution to make. This one boasts a staff of sixty-five contributors, a set of 700 up-to-date photographs, charts, and drawings, 5,000 articles, 40 pages of maps, and an entirely new piece of writing for every article. This does not mean that older infonnation is not drawn upon, for it would be im­ possible to avoid repeating much in­ formation in other dictionaries. The writers have been recruited from many denominational groups here and abroad. Among the names will be found many who are well known in conservative circles. In examining a new dictionary of the Bible, one always looks at key articles for doctrinal emphasis. The article on Christ occupies six and a half pages, and is written by Everett F. Harrison. Attention is given to the preincarnate state and theanthropic appearances of Christ, His names and titles, character, and influence. Mira­ cles are handled admirably by J. Oliver Buswell, Jr. Kenneth S. Kant- zer presents a fully satisfactory treat­ ment of inspiration. Edward J. Young’s article on the prophets is a good summary of this phenomenon in its historical, priestly, Messianic as­ pects. The imminent return of Christ is insisted upon by Dr. Buswell in his article on the millennium. The article “ Dispensation” is writ­ ten by Steven Barabas. He says that Scofield’s definition of dispensation “ as a period of time,” etc., is not sup­ ported by the Bible. This may be true so far. as direct force o f the word is concerned, but he has over­ looked the fact that a succession of “ administrations,” which the Bible clearly teaches, infers a sequence of time-spans. Dr. Ralph Keiper bril­ liantly brought this out in one of his recent Torrey Memorial Bible Conference addresses. J. Barton Payne accepts the period aspect of a dis­ pensation in this article on the cove­ nant. A good article on eschatology ap­ pears over the initials o f John F. Walvoord. Along with many other

ELISABETH ELLIOT edits— MATTHEW HENRY'S The Secret of Communion With God A devotional classic edited by a famed contemporary author. $2.50

Exciting new Christian fiction — The Gift of His Heart Eighteen action- packed stories

One of the illustrations from the Zonder­ van Pictorial Bible Dictionary. mirable introduction to Biblical the­ ology. Likely the fundamentalist will find himself quite pleased with the majority of the articles. A few inconsistencies occur. Col­ umn headings appear a little out of order in some of the category articles, one example being “ Occupation and Professions.” On the same page the first column has the heading “ Occu­ pations,” and the other “ Professions,” which is a bit confusing. Under “ Prophecy” we have a “ see” refer­ ence to “ Prophet,” but there is no such article, The next article is “ Prophets,” and there the cross ref­ erence could have been omitted. “ Navi’ ’’ is difierently marked dia- critically in two places within this article. In a work of this kind such defects are very difficult to avoid. Perhaps they can be corrected in fu- THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS

¡by Bernard Palmer, Ken Anderson, and other top Chris­ tian authors, from the pages o f Christian Life. Introduc­ tion by Robert Walker. $2.95



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