King's Business - 1963-10

ture printings. No doubt this diction­ ary will remain in print for a good while. It ought to be added to any serious Biblical collection, xiv, 927 pages, XXII maps; cloth Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $9.95. A Practical Church Administration Handbook By Norman E. Nygaard This volume is a reissue of twelve pamphlets issued separately covering as many various aspects of church administration. Many are illustrated by charts and diagrams. The treat­ ment is practical and to the point. Subjects discussed include publicity, calling, ushering, application forms for membership, pulpit attire, flower arrangement, special events projects, and costuming Biblical plays inexpen­ sively. A handy manual for the church library or the staff office. 103 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) CULTS A N D ISMS; TWENTY ALTERNATES TO EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY by Russell P. Spit- tier. 143 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Treatment is of necessity brief, but is to the point and includes a short history, basic doctrines, and evaluation, and suggestions for further reading. Chapter headings are clever: "Sunday on Saturday," "Out of this world" (Spiritualism), "Armageddon ahead" (Jehovah's Witnesses), and "Earth has no sorrow" (Unity). End papers back and front contain charts por­ traying main features for quick reference. HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE by Neil R. Light- foot. 126 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The essential elements of the history of the Biblical text are recounted here with clarity and with attention to the latest discoveries in textual materials. Several illustra­ tions add to the interest. CREED OF THE CHURCH edited by John H. Leith, x, 589 pages; paper; Doubleday & Co., New York; $1.95. It is always well to go to the sources. It is not that we stop with these, but if we do not start with these we start out with a handicap and cannot achieve anything like objectivity. The major affirmations of the Chris­ tian church, Protestant and Catholic, are gath­ ered here in one handy volume. Many less known statements will be appreciated: The Creed of the Batak Church, and the major pronounce­ ments of the ecumenical movement. Missing are the Auburn Affirmation and all the 19th and 20th century affirmations of the evangelical churches, except the Baptists. HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE, THE SECOND COMING, AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS by I. M. Haldeman. 502 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. A reissue of the 1904 printing. Anyone who has read Haldeman will realize what a wealth of material is here made available on a variety of topics. THE LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES by William M. Ramsay, xviii, 446 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $4.95. An old classic on this important section of Scripture, reprinted from the 1904 edition. Essays discuss letters in the early church, symbolism employed,! the province of Asia, and the geographical and political aspects of each city. The treatment of each letter includes pertinent material from! many sources. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 W est Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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