King's Business - 1963-10

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R “U" a m a g ir l 11 years of age. I have -I*- brown hair, brown eyes, and am about 4 ft. 11 inches tall. “ At school my attitude is nicer than my attitude at home. Sometimes I don’t understand why I am this way. Once in a while I get into fights with my brothers and one sister who is just older than I. I like my big sister, Sharon, except when she scolds me for getting into mischief. My oldest sister, Dorotheann, is married and doesn’t live with us here at home any more. I miss her. “ I am a girl who can be nice when it suits me. But I have found out that when I try to be nice sometimes, some people make it hard for me. At home some days I seem to do everything right, and other days everything seems to go wrong. When I really think about myself, I know I should improve my attitude toward my fam­ ily and schoolmates. Some day I hope to overcome some of my faults. “ In school I think I am an average or above average student. Arithmetic and social studies are my worst sub­ jects. I just don’t get the hang of arithmetic sometime. But I like read­ ing. Mostly I read for pleasure, but sometimes I read for information.” This self-evaluation was rather re­ vealing to Ardyth’s parents. As Moth­ er read the biographical sketch, a sixth-grade, requirement, she was re­ minded of die oft-stated truth: “We know more than we do.” Apparently Arydth has a vague and perhaps nag­ ging realization of some of her weak­ nesses. But she has not been stirred enough yet to do anything but take a general look at herself. “ Some day” she “ hopes to overcome some of my faults.” O Arydth, your name is Legion. How the work of evangelizing today’s world is hampered by believers who “know to do good, but do it not” (James 4:17). May it please the Fa­ ther of all who come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, to so stir and move among His own that all men will hear the good news that “ Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” (I Tim. 1:15). TODAY! N o t some day!





P rovid es th e student w ith the content o f his m essage, the manner o f d elivery o f his serm on, su ccessfu l m ethods o f pastoral w ork, opportun ities fo r practical experien ce, and an active place­ m ent service a fter graduation.

G ives a basic introduction to home and foreig n m issions and provides constant challenge, through num erous m issionary chapels and fa cu lty emphasis, to carry the G ospel to the u tterm ost parts o f the world.

EVANGELISM B elieves the su ccessfu l pastor must be a soul w inner, challenges him to this task, supplies him w ith the tools requ isite to winning souls fo r Christ, and in stru cts him in th eir use in the local church and in evangelistic campaigns.


Lays a firm foundation fo r theological graduate study fo r students desiring education as th eir life w ork, and equips its graduates to he su ccessfu l B ible teachers in the local church and upon the m ission field.

For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to DEAN, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEM INARY 13800 BIOLA AVE.f LA M IRADA , CALIF.

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