King's Business - 1963-10

alumni news by Inez McGahey James ’47 and Julia (Scow ’48) McNutt are serving with Unevangelized Fields Mission in Northeastern Brazil. “ Sickness had caused a teacher shortage at the Bible Institute . . . so I taught the first three of my four weekly classes. With most of my time taken with teaching, Julia became the literature missionary. . . . Fif­ teen teenagers have received their diplo­ mas from our correspondence course. Sev­ eral of them now claim to be believers. I visited Belem, conducted meetings each evening . . . and sold forty Bibles and 200 Gospels. The Christians, most of them for the first time, had a chance to buy evangelical books.” James Gordon ’58, General Director of Youth Enterprises, Inc.: “ The Mexican government officials have sanctioned our youth program in Mexico. . . . For many years we have been convinced of the need for a program to train national leaders. In the past few years we have worked with a select few, who now are being used of the Lord to teach their own people. . . . Our ‘short term Institute’ project is to train leaders in a ten-week concentrated leadership training course.” Curt ’42 and Olga (Schultz ’43) Claas- sen, India: “ Curt and five Indian brethren directed the first Bible Camp for junior high and high school age boys of this area. Twenty-nine boys registered. Ap­ proximately 15 professed to accept Christ; some were saved before they came. Dur­ ing the time, Olga and Marie Duerksen had classes for the girls each afternoon at our home. Thirty girls enrolled, and as a result 21 are now coming for more Bible study every Saturday afternoon. Olga also enjoys her work with the junior church each Sunday morning.” Ethel Berg ’45, Tokyo, Japan: “We praise the Lord for the open doors in this land of Japan and for the Word that is going forth by the printed page, the radio, meetings and classes, personal con­ tacts, et cetera. Some are hearing it for the first time . . . but there are over ten million souls in Tokyo alone. Pray for the students in my Bible classes and for our neighbors who have shown some interest.” Velma Pickett ’43, with Wycliffe Bible Translators, working in Mexico: “ The building of the new headquarters in Mexi­ co City still moves slowly because of lack of funds and other problems. But mean­ while, in Itzmiquilpan, a hundred miles north of Mexico City, the new study cen­ ter is completed and has been used for two translation workshops and a linguistic one. The center is away from the many interruptions of village life and close to a good library. The Mexican government allows no more than five years out of any ten-year period to be spent outside Mexico . . . so instead of my usual sum­ mer teaching schedule, I shall be at the study center helping with translation and grammatical analysis problems.


COMING October 25 & 26, 1963| Friday, October 25: A lum ni Chapel, luncheon, Campus tours, film s, m issionary slides, dis­ plays, student con cert, bu ffet sup­ per, fellow ship Saturday, October 26: “ C h ef Sutherland” b r e a k f a s t , business session, class reunions fellow ship HOMECOMING BANQUET Saturday noon — K n ott’s B erry Farm Covenant Q uartet, John G ustaf­ son, testim onies, class roll call represen tation

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

Martin Luther Write for Catalogue Phone: 691-7785 B IO LA FILMS lìZlTm ì

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