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A N N U IT IE S 1 American Messianic Fellowship 7 2 Bible Institute of Los Angeles 30 3 Moody Bible Institute ...........39 4 Pocket Testament League ..... 7 A U D IO V IS U A L A ID S 5 Biola Films ......................— .53 6 Christian Films ................... 3 7 World Vision, Inc................. 35 8 World W ide Pictures ...........23 BIBLES 9 Cambridge University Press — . 9 10 B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company-56 11 Oxford University Press ....... 2 12 Practical Press ..................... 4 BOOKS 13 American Sunday School Union 4 14 Baker Book House ................43 15 Biola Book Room ................43 16 Carlton Press' ....................... 43 17 Christian Herald Bookshelf .... 5 18 Christ's Mission ................... 31 19 Wm. B. Eedrmans Publishing .. 6 20 Good News Publishers .......... 3 21 Thomas H. Hubbard ............ 4 22 Humberd Press ................... 43 23 Light & Life Press ................24 24 Moody Press ....... ,.............. 43 25 Pageant Press ...... 43 26 Pax House ........................... 8 27 Fleming H. Revell .......... ,....42 28 Zondervan Publishing House ..47 C A M P S & CONFERENCES 29 Edendale Christian Retreat .....32 H O M E ST U D Y COURSES 30 American Bible School .......... 44 31 Biola Correspondence School ..53 HOTELS & MOTELS 32 Biola Hotel ......................... 46 33 Farm de Ville Motel & 34 Sambo's Restaurant .............. 4 IN SU R A N C E 35 American Temperance Associates ..................... 40, 41
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