King's Business - 1963-10


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and store owners that they were called “ physicians providing the anti­ dotes of purity for those who have been bitten by the serpents of por­ nography.” Mr. Hobbs saluted them as “merchants of miracles” who are “ teachers of truth to a generation which has been victimized by false­ hood and half-truths.” Dr. Walter Judd, former Minnesota congressman, recently urged Christian publishers and book dealers to be as skillful in the use .of honest words as the Communists are in the use of lying words. “ The strategy which the Communists have used in every coun­ try where they have come to power is to capture the minds of youth with books,” said Dr. Judd. “ They have become master of words, the tools of communication. Lying words, yes, but skillfully used. They are simply fol­ lowing Lenin’s first principle which is to debase the language.” Dr. Ralph W. Mitchell has been ap­ pointed as president of the Biltmore Terrace Hotel in Miami Beach, Flori­ da. Dr. Mitchell, an associate of Dr. Billy Graham for nine years, had been serving as chaplain and program director of the hotel which was ac­ quired to “ offer the public a first- rate hotel that doesn’t depend on its bar to show a profit.” The hotel does not serve liquor and its former night club has been transformed into a small concert hall. Non-denomina- tional services are conducted daily in the Meditation Chapel by Dr. Mit­ chell. Dr. Ralph T. Davis, General Director Emeritus of the Africa Inland Mis­ sion, was called into the presence of the Lord rather suddenly on Au­ gust 19. This completed a life of fruitful ministry both in Africa and here in the homeland. Dr. Davis served as General Director of A.I.M. for seven years. Mr. William E. Millet, production manager of Editorial Las Americas, and Dr. V. E. Cory, Chairman of the Board of Scripture Press, are working with their staff to translate the Scrip­ ture Press Sunday school materials from Beginner through Adult into Spanish. Editorial Las Americas head­ quarters are located in Puebla, Mexi­ co where missionary personnel, na­ tional pastors and educators work to­ gether in the translation of these les­ sons and other materials into Spanish. Pictured is a Latin American boy holding a Spanish edition of Scrip­ ture Press’s Sunday school lessons.

Dr. Harlin J. Roper, pastor of the Sco­ field Memorial Church in Dallas, Texas, has announced the scheduling of the first Southland Keswick Con­ vention to be held in January. Speak­ ers at the Convention will be Dr. G. Allen Fleece, president of Colum­ bia Bible College; Dr. Stephen F. 01- ford, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York. Dr. R. Kenneth Straehan, general di­ rector of the Latin American Mission, recently acted as host for a conference which met to study the possibilities for mapping a comprehensive future strategy for evangelism in Latin America. Numerous missionary agen­ cies participated in the conference which was held at the Latin Ameri­ can Biblical Seminary. Dr. Robert B. Munger, minister of University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington, was featured speaker recently at The Navigators international h e a d q u a r t e r s , Glen Eyrie, Colorado, for the dedication services marking their debt-free own­ ership of the estate. Presentation of the cancelled mortgage documents to Mrs. Lila Trotman, widow of Naviga­ tor Founder Dawson Trotman, was made during the ceremony. This com­ memorated the completion of an “ im­ possible” venture and the fulfillment of Dawson Trotman’s faith that God would supply funds for the purchase price of the estate. Dr. Cíate A. Risley, executive secre­ tary of the National Sunday School Association reported that the theme

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for the 1963 Na­ t i o n a l S u n d a y School Week held recently was “ For Times Like These . . . Exalt Christ.” Thousands of Sun­ day schools through­ out the nation co­ o p e r a t e d in the week - long Sunday s c h o o l emphasis.

Dr. Risley

Many echo the words of Vaughn Shoe­ maker, Pulitzer Prize winning edi­ torial cartoonist, “ Sunday school was important in my life, for most of what I learned about living was taught me by the words and deeds of my Sunday school teachers.” Dr. Hershel H. Hobbs, past president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of the First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, speaking recently at a luncheon of the Christian Booksell­ ers Association, told the publishers



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