The hardware nishing touch.
The Traditional Range A traditional antique black finish makes this the perfect range for the traditional cottage-style door.
Bull Ring Knocker
Pull Escutcheon
Pull Knob
Lever Handle
The Contemporary Range High quality stainless steel
D Bar*
and chrome hardware options complete the ultra-modern look.
Pull Knob
Round Escutcheon*
Pull Escutcheon*
Inline Round Pull Bar* 400/900/1500mm
Inline Flat Pull Bar* 400/900/1500mm
And for extra peace of mind, you can request high-security Ultion Cylinders on all doors you choose, combined with code-supplied keys, which means you have the security you need with the convenience of one-key-fits-all. Simply inform your Installer during the ordering process.
So, when you pull that door shut, it’ll sound, and feel, just right.
■ * Stainless steel hardware comes with a comprehensive anti-corrosion guarantee
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