
FORGET ABOUT SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is for try-hards. Who needs organic search traffic when you can keep throwing money at ads? Don’t waste time on keywords, meta descriptions, or backlinks. Stay invisible in Google searches, and you’ll be the best-kept secret of your industry. But if you want investors to find your thought- leadership content or learn about your investment opportunities, ignoring SEO is like leaving money on the table. AVOID ENGAGEMENT Why respond to comments or engage with your followers? It’s much easier to let your posts be a one-way street. Who has time to show appreciation or foster a community, anyway? Oh, wait—that’s how you build loyalty and brand advocates. Real estate is all about relationships. Ignoring engagement opportunities makes

Follow these principles, and you’ll alienate, frustrate, and repel your audience like a pro.”

IGNORE DATA AND ANALYTICS Gut feelings are great and all, but ignoring data is a surefire way to waste money. Metrics and analytics might show what’s working and what’s not, but who wants to be held accountable? Don’t measure your success—just keep throwing things at the wall and hoping something sticks. For real estate, this means ignoring data about property performance, audience engagement, or marketing ROI. It’s only your investors’ money at stake, after all. BURN OUT YOUR TEAM Got a marketing team? Perfect. Push them to work around the clock, but give them no clear goals, tools, or appreciation. Exhausted, uninspired marketers produce uninspired content. But, hey, who needs creativity and energy in a field that thrives on both? There you have it—the anti-guide to marketing. Follow these principles, and you’ll alienate, frustrate, and repel your audience like a pro. Or, you know, do the opposite. Effective marketing is about connection, consistency, and

adding value. It’s about understanding your audience and delivering what they need in a way that feels authentic. But if you’re aiming to make headlines for all the wrong reasons, now you know exactly what to do.


your brand look detached and uninterested in its community.


Skyler Wilson is an entrepreneur obsessed with video production and marketing. It started with making YouTube videos in middle school,

If your audience can’t go five seconds without feeling like you’re reaching into their wallets, you’ve nailed it. Focus solely on making sales and skip out on adding value. Who needs educational content, market trend analysis, or investment tips? Just push those opportunities like there’s no tomorrow. But if you want to retain and engage investors, a softer, value- driven approach will do you better.

then interning at a marketing firm and church, mastering editing and live production.

Wilson founded video production and marketing company Shift Z in 2022 and Retro Current Marketing in 2023, targeting music artists and real estate pros. He offers a fresh perspective, blending creativity, leadership, and processes.

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