Fine Art Collector | Autumn 2015

Lawrence Coulson

� OurWalkToForever Canvaseditionof150 ImageSize16¾”x28” FramedSize22”x23” Framed£550

I find thatwalking in thecountrysideand gettingsome freshair isa favouriteway to relax , which sounds like a cliché but it’s true. Just doing simple things like lyingunder the tree in the garden, or evenwashing the car. There are two very good pieces of advice that I have received , firstly frommy father who presentedmewith a copy of the book covering his artistic career. Inside the front cover were thewords ‘Just keep trying’. Secondly thesewords of wisdom from Halcyon Gallery’s Paul Green; ‘Just paint…’. The best advice I would give to someone would be to give themselves time to breathe , be openminded, not to suffocate the ones you love and to be a good friend. Again, probably things I amstill trying to accomplishmyself. To any aspiring artist I would say this; paint pictures twice as good as you are now, and be grateful to receive at least half of themoney youwere expecting to be paid for them.

f I could be 21 again I would tell myself to have some self belief and to bemore confident. Also to lighten up and not worry about what I have no control over. All of the things I still tell myself at 53... Current affairs and politics are something that I try to keep abreast of , even if it is just bywatching the evening news, but I have never been a banner waver or any kind of radical. Whatever is going on in the world certainly has no effect onwhatever is happening in the studio, once in there I am lost in thework.


AUTUMN2015 FIN e ARTC o LL e CT o R 23

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