If I was given a plane ticket to anywhere at all it would be to California’sWest coast, the Santa Monica area. I would love to experience that whole surfing, skateboarding, cool car culturewhilst being immersed in constant sunshine. The technology that allows somuch visual reference is like any newtech, it carries advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the artist it allows instant sharing of newwork to gain feedback, and is a valuablemarketing tool. However it can prove to be amassive distraction and can probably be blamed for totally destroying the art of conversation. Mymost recent collection ‘Through All Seasons’ contains two themes. Firstly I wanted to present a collection with as much variety as possible, to give as much interest to collectors both old and new. Secondly the ‘Seasons’ in the title may not be literal, but periods in ones life where one has to battle through the challenges thrown at them and it is only the love and support of those around you that can pull you through.
� LoveStruck
Canvaseditionof150 ImageSize26”x10½” FramedSize31”x16” Framed£395
� ThatMomentOf Wonder
Canvaseditionof150 ImageSize16¾”x28” FramedSize22”x33” Framed£550
I wouldhope that by taking the time to look atmywork the viewer ismomentarily transported to a quieter place, maybe into a distantmemory. I would also like to think that in this digital age they could appreciate the time and craftsmanship that is present. To referencemy father, ‘There are only two things that matter, the skill of the artist and the beauty of the subject.’
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