36 Pelé-Lifethrougha lens
56 Hamish BlakelyPrivate View
12 YourWorld,OurArt
66 NewHorizonsby RichardRowan
52 LostAlice is thenewcollection fromPeterSmith
welcome One of the great pleasures of bringing beautiful art into people’s lives is the feedback we receive from collectors across the world. It is always heartening to hear personal stories of the emotional connection a new painting or sculpture can evoke and we are delighted to share just a small selection in this issue (page 12). If the stories inspire, you are sure to find a piece that engages you amongst the brand new art unveiled across these pages. We consider this to be a particularly heart-warming collection - prepare to feel your spirits soar!
FineArtCollector ispublishedbyWashingtonGreen (F.A.P.C.)LtdanddistributedbyCastleGalleries. Email art@castlegalleries.com Website castlegalleries.com Alltheartfeatured inFineArtCollector isavailablethroughCastleGalleriesacrossGreatBritain.Visitourwebsiteatcastlegalleries.comtofindyournearestgallery.The images containedwithinthis literatureareanartistic representationofthecollection.Tobestexperienceourart,we recommendyoucontactyour localgallerytoarrangeaviewing.Prices illustratedthroughoutthismagazineare recommended retailpricesandmayvarybetweenPartnershipGalleriesdependingonstylesofpresentation. Designed&ProducedbyNowMedia.Contributors:SallyRowland, JayneHowarth,StephanieRichman.
© 2015 Washington Green (F.A.P.C) Ltd. Printed in England
AUTUMN2015 FIN e ARTC o LL e CT o R 3
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