Police warn of
thieves targeting cars
about any criminal matters, call Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or call the
Hawkesbury O.P.P. at 613-632-2729.
sewage plan
Persons giving tips to Crime Stoppers that
Thieves had little trouble lifting items
lead to an arrest may be eligible for a cash
from vehicles parked at residences on
reward. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe
Aberdeen Road south of Vankleek Hill
to Call Display. Your call will stay
anonymous and your presence won’t be
None of the targeted vehicles was
needed in court. Tips can also be sent via
locked, reports the Hawkesbury Ontario
text message and e-mail. For more
Provincial Police detachment. The crooks
Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel MP
took electronics and personal belongings
Mylène Freeman has presented a
from the vehicles. Anyone with
motion supporting Gore Township .
information about the thefts is asked to
Mayor Scott Pearce’s proposal to
Alexandria break-in
call Constable Luc Dénommée at 613-632-
provide financial help to homeowners
June 12 Stormont- Dundas-Glengarry
replacing defective septic tanks.
O.P.P. officers responded to a report of two
The public is reminded that an ounce of
While she is amember of the Official
individuals breaking into the basement
prevention is worth a pound of cure. The
Opposition, the NewDemocratic Party
apartment of a building on Main Street,
way to discourage a thief fromvictimizing
member is confident the proposal will
Alexandria. Cindy Dabena, 47, and Gary
your property is to eliminate or reduce
win the support of the other parties.
McGillvery, 65, both of North Glengarry,
opportunity. This is where persons can
Since the motion was tabled in the
were charged with break and enter. They
protect themselves most. Another means
House of Commons June 22, debate on
are scheduled to appear August 8 in
of protecting yourself is to have good
the plan will not take place until the
Alexandria court.
communications with your neighbours.
winter session.
More information is available on the OPP
Her Motion M-400 suggests that the
Mylène Freeman is confident her
website at in the resources
Region tries
House back the suggestion that the
federal government, in cooperation
36 charges
Canadians do not benefit from the services
In the week of June 25 to July 2, the
of municipal sewers; they use an individual
the possibility to set up a plan, similar
to attract
septic installation for their residence.”
to one suggested by the Canadian
responded to 340 occurrences and laid 36
She notes that problems caused by faulty
Federation of Municipalities, that
would help improve individual septic
more boaters
three break-ins and 16 thefts, and
and public health troubles. Leaks could
conducted 14 RIDE initiatives, charging
contaminate drinking water sources and
fairness and protecting the
two drivers.
bodies of water. Poor water quality could
environment and public health.
Rollover leads to injuries, charges
drive away tourists, and lead to potential
June 26, at 8 p.m., police received a call
health problems if people consume
are unfairly treated in the allocation of
about a single motor vehicle rollover on
contaminated fish.
funding for such services.
County Road 15 in The Nation.
Prescott-Russell has embarked on a
Freeman does not specify financing
Investigation revealed that the driver had
study designed to tap into the tourism
details, preferring to give the
A new direction
lost control of his 2000 Volkswagen Jetta
potential of the Ottawa River, and a
government options, such as
and rolled over, coming to rest in a corn
section of the South Nation River, by
guaranteed loans.
field. The driver and a female passenger
attracting more boaters to the district.
Technology will spell the end of the
were transported to the Hawkesbury and
A $44,775 analysis by Plania, a firm
proposal has delighted Scott Pearce,
tourist information booth as we know it.
District General Hospital where he was
with offices in Ottawa and Gatineau, is
who has been pushing the septic tank
With visitors using new ways to get
treated for head trauma, and she was
designed to help the region draw in more
plan for the last four years. When he
information, the conventional kiosques
treated for minor injuries. Martin Jules
boating enthusiasts. The study on the
was a Conservative candidate in 2008,
are undergoing change, Prescott-Russell
Rochon, 29, of County Road 10 in The
Pearce recalls that he got little support
economic development director Sylvain
Nation, was charged with impaired
as a tourist destination is to be wrapped up
for his notion.
driving, dangerous operation of a motor
within 12 weeks. Plania representatives
“Today, after four years of fighting,
The Ontario government is closing
vehicle and driving while under
said during a recent presentation to the
I feel sad to see that despite the support
seven centres across the province.
counties that while the counties offer a
of the Canadian Federation of
However, the government facility near
Dangerous call
water course to boaters, there is “an almost
Municipalities and the Québec
Chute-à-Blondeau, west of the
total absence of riverside development
Federation of Municipalities the
interprovincial border, will remain open.
160 vehicles were checked at Main and
combining the water attractions and the
governments have not done anything
Next year more there will be more
nautical activities.” The study will cover
to help us,” says Pearce.
changes in the way tourist information is
charged for not wearing their seatbelts
the Ottawa River and the navigable section
“I am very happy with the support
shared, Charlebois recently advised
and one was charged for talking on his
of the SouthNation that is connected to the
of Mylène Freeman and she has won
counties council. More and more people
cell phone.
Ottawa. The project is being financed by
my respect.”
are using the Internet and devices such
The solution
the counties through a partnership with
The MP observes that the issue of
as”Smart phones” to collect information.
Police would like to remind the
defective septic pits is not limited to
Some centres have replaced employees
community that if you have information
Development Corporation.
Argenteuil. “More than 25 per cent of
with touch screens.
38 500 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , President, Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M.,
François Bélair , Sales & Development, Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., Julien Boisvenue , Layout & Prepress Mgr.,
Publié le vendredi par/Published on Friday by : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bureau Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.
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