

Sometimes a plan comes together;

However, the video has since been

sometimes you look like a fool on

pirated by the Québec Liberal party,


which has produced an ad showing

Firstly, let us applaud the ongoing

Marois, raising a racket by banging two



Prescott-Russell recreational trail, an

guessed it, the result is not flattering.


Sports highlights are perfect for slow




Gearing up

best viewed in real time.

If cycling is the type of activity that

But the Liberals’ propaganda move


did not earn rave reviews, either.


organization to do their part in


The person who shot the video, Guy

a $52,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation

transforming communities into healthy

treacherous for cyclists and pedestrians.


grant to prepare a development strategy

and sustainable places where citizens of

This brings us to the planner’s institute

stop using the images. Plus, the Liberal

for the path.

all ages and abilities have a range of

which is trying to spur a movement to

strategists were chastised for using

At the same time, the Ontario

transportation options. Strong policy

promote “active transportation,” also

negative ads. Of course, this story is


direction and practical implementation

known as cycling and walking.

starting to havemore twists than a road


mechanisms are needed if walking and



their shoulder to thewheel and promote

cycling options are to be appealing,



“active transportation.”


to make non-motorized forms of travel a

interest in a post is to tell people they


acrossOntario communities.

mainstay of daily life throughout Ontario

cannot view it.

start when it was created in 1998 on the

While those objectives are laudable,




practicality often trumps idealism,



was concern among farmers that a new

particularly in rural areas where amotor-

living longer than ever before while at the


use for the idle corridor that cut a swath

powered vehicle is a must.

same time our children’s life expectancy

rapped Marois for demonstrating

through or near their properties would

Still, anymove to encourage increased

will be shorter than our own, according to

behaviour not consistent with one who

create problems for them and their

use of green and healthy modes of

recent public health research. Today, the

aspires to be Premier. Indeed, the video







commits to community building that


the trail has always been there; it has

promoters is to forge closer ties with

strengthens accessibility, contributes to an

contact with her pedals. Besides, as


neighbours in Argenteuil, Papineau and


Charest has noted, it was the PQ who

The trail has been a big cog in the


and collective health. Planning for Active



Speaking of Argenteuil, voters on the



destination. Parallel programs have


the tools to transform each of our

But Marois had quickly regained her

helped make area roads more cyclist-

the nation recently when they elected



friendly, thanks to the paving of about

Roland Richer, of the Parti Québécois, as

healthier communities for us all,” states

Premier should emulate her. Charest

150 kilometres of shoulders.

their newMNA. The PQ and their leader

OPPI presidentMary Lou Tanner.

might want to get out into the street and

However, there are still many

PaulineMaroiswere obviouslydelighted

The Call toAction asks each person and

find out what the masses really think

improvements to be made. Several


about him and his government, she has


capitalize on images ofMarois during the


by-election campaignwent off the rails.

All of this is happening as Québec

Marois “starred” in a video showing

awaits to see what impact the casserole

her taking part in a pot-banging

Seniors benefit from


demonstration in Lachute June 2. The 15-



handlebars, folks.


This could be an exciting ride.

“groundbreaking” program

Plantagenet 1812 – 2012

as the “personal support worker champion”

Senior citizens living in the

at 61 long-term care homes.

Champlain region are starting to see

Each long-term care home in the region

changes in how care is provided in long-

has identified such a champion. The

term care homes, hospitals and the

champions have received special training

community. Through the Behavioural

using videos, mini-lectures and case

Supports Ontario (BSO) Project, new

scenarios to help better serve clients with

services, programs and training are now

conditions such as dementia, delirium, and

being introduced to provide appropriate

depression. Champions work closely with

care and support for an increasing

the 13 new behavioural support outreach

number of seniors across Ontario and

nurses and coach other staff in their homes

their families and caregivers, who live

INVITATION to attend the bicentennial celebration of the village of Plantagenet

to build more capacity and share skills.

INVITATION à la célébration du bicentenaire du village de Plantagenet

and cope with dementia, mental illness

“This project will have a widespread

and/or other neurological conditions.

and long-lasting impact on seniors’ care

First announced by the province last

across the Champlain region, resulting in

August, BSO represents a comprehensive

better health, better care, andmore value for

system redesign that has successfully

dollars. It’s an example of how health-care

broken down barriers, encouraged

providers areworking together in newways

collaborative work, shared knowledge

tomeet the unique needs of some of themost

and fostered partnerships among local,

Le jeudi 5 juillet 2012 Chemin Jessup’s Falls

Thursday July 5th 2012 Jessup’s Falls Road

vulnerable residents of our communities,”

regional and provincial agencies.

says Chantal LeClerc, Champlain LHIN


CEO. Total funding for new behavioural

a new way of thinking and acting,” says

supports in the Champlain region equals

the LHIN.

10h00 : Célébration au cimetière Chesser : Dignitaires et descendants (entrée sur le chemin Jessup ouest près de l’ancienne fromagerie) 11h00 : Dévoilement du Parc Chesser : (chemin de comté 9 sur l’île entre les deux ponts) 11h30 : Goûter léger et dégustation STATIONNEMENT DISPONIBLE AUX DEUX ENDROITS Bienvenue à cet important événement pour commémorer la fondation du village de Plantagenet. Célébration organisée par la Municipalité d’Alfred et Plantagenet en collaboration avec les membres du comité du cimetière Chesser.

10:00: Celebration at Chesser cemetery: Dignitaries and descendants (entrance by Jessup’s Falls Road, west of the former cheese factory 11:00: Chesser Park presentation (county Road 9 between the two bridges) 11:30: Light lunch served PARKING AVAILABLE AT BOTH SITES Your presence will be greatly appreciated at this commerative event for the foundation of the village of Plantagenet. This event is organized by the Township of Alfred & Plantagenet in partnership with the members of the Chesser Cemetary committee.

about $3.8 million annually.

The Champlain Local Health

BSO is a $40 million investment by the

Integration Network (LHIN) has worked

Ontario government.

with health service providers to develop

About 65 per cent of longterm care home

a local action plan. Much of the regional

residents have dementia.

plan has already been put in place.

By 2020, the number of persons with

Thirteen new nurses have been hired to

dementia in Ontario will increase by 40 per

travel to all long-term care homes across

cent to 250,000; 34 per cent of Alternate

the Champlain region and provide

Level of Care (ALC) bed days are occupied

expertise in the development of care plans

by people with dementia.

for specific clients. In addition, four new

R.B.Q. 81017600-00

nurses and two new occupational

therapists were hired to work with

individuals in their homes and in

retirement homes. Planning is also


underway to create a specialized

behavioural support unit at a long-term

RÉNOVATIONS GÉNERALES PORTES ET FENÊTRES Vente et installation Rampes - Mains Courantes d’aluminium 155, rue Simon, Lachute TÉL. : 450 409-1550 / 1551 TÉLEC.

care home in Ottawa.

What’s more, the LHIN has provided

funding for 26,000 extra hours of care

annually from personal support workers

in long-term care homes.

In fact, the most unique part of the

Champlain LHIN program is the

establishment of a new staff role known

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