National Payroll Week 2023 sponsorship opportunities

Gold sponsorship

National Payroll Week 2023 will feature a series of online events throughout the week and this sponsorship opportunity offers you prominent placement in these events


Multiple opportunities available

Before the event ● Logo to appear on National Payroll Week page on CIPP website, labeled as ‘Gold sponsor’ ● Logo to appear on marketing to promote the event ● Logo and hyperlink from the CIPP website ● Social media post as soon as signed as a sponsor ● Mention in pre-event editorial in Professional magazine ● Sponsor logo to appear on all marketing communications, including the digital NPW celebration pack

During event ● One webinar on the NPW programme on a topic to be agreed with CIPP with session hosted by CIPP representative. Contact details of attendees who agree to CIPP sharing details with a third party will be provided for this session. Links to websites and downloadable documents can be shared during webinar. Webinar advertisement to CIPP database 13,000+ ● Logo and acknowledgement as event sponsor to be included in opening video sting used at the beginning of every session during the week ● One representative to attend the Future of Payroll roundtable on 4 September ● Sponsorship of the launch event on 4 September ● Attendance at the launch event for two representatives on 4 September ● Pop-up banner in the room ● Opportunity to invite up to five guests to the launch event on 4 September ● Opportunity to send a solus e-shot during NPW to those who have requested a digital pack for the first four sponsors. Any subsequent sponsors will be sent the week immediately afterwards. In 2022, over 3,800 packs were requested.

After the event ● Acknowledged as sponsor in the NPW supplement which will be available with the October magazine.


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