2B — July 31 - August 13, 2015 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
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O wners , D evelopers &M anagers Manufacturer celebrating 25th anniversary NY Lieutenant Governor visits Crystal Windows
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LUSHING, NY — New York State Lieutenant Governor Kathy Ho- chul visited award-winning Crystal Window & Door Systems ' Queens, NY head- quarters and factory on July 1, 2015. During the visit, Ho- chul viewed the factory floor operations, met with Crystal founder and CEO Thomas Chen , and his son Steve Chen , Crystal's COO, and greeted some of the staff. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo sent a congratulatory letter on the 25th Anniversary milestone for the windowman- F
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Crystal COO Steve Chen shows Hochul the factory operations at the company headquarters in Queens, NY.
ufacturer, which Lieutenant Governor Hochul presented to the Chens. During the meeting, Crystal provided an overview of the company's national scope, in- cluding some of the economic challenges that New York City-based mid- and large- scale manufacturers face when competing nationally. "It was a pleasure to meet with Lieutenant Governor Ho- chul and show her our Queens, NY operation," said Steve Chen. "We found her attention and thoughtful questions to our challenges quite positive. She invited us to continue dis- cussions on this with her and others in the Cuomo Adminis- tration in the coming weeks, which we certainly plan to do." Accompanying the Lieuten- ant Governor on this visit were Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, NY State As- semblymanMichael Simanow- itz, and NY State Senator Toby Stavisky, who helped arrange the Lieutenant Gov- ernor's visit. In other news, Crystal Win- dow & Door Systems contin- ued its award-winning ways, adding two new accolades to the long list of awards the company has received over the past 25 years. Crystal has earned The 2015 Communica- tor Award of Distinction from The Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts in the Film/Video- Corporate Image category and The Bronze “Stevie” Award in the Corporate Overview Video category of the 2015 Ameri- can Business Awards. Both awards recognize Crystal’s 25th Anniversary Corporate Video which debuted at the company’s employee celebra- tion gala in February and is posted on its website (www. crystalwindows.com). n
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