A Practical Guide to Accessible Holidays in Jersey

Visitor Guide Practical Information

Parking in Jersey

Blue Badge Holders and Parking Areas

The Blue Badge Scheme is intended to assist people with a permanent and/or substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. Additional parking provision is available for Blue Badge holders. Can badges from other countries be used in Jersey? Yes. All European style Blue Badges are accepted in Jersey. Badges issued outside of the EU can be used at the discretion of the parking authority. You should ask at Parking Control in the Sand Street car park. UK badge holders should note that vehicles may not park on a yellow line at any time.

How do I display my badge?

You must display the badge on top of the dashboard or fascia panel of the vehicle with the front of the badge (the side showing the wheelchair symbol) facing forward. The relevant details should be clearly visible from the outside of the windscreen. Failure to display the badge correctly will result in a parking penalty being issued. When requested by a parking official, please show your photograph on the back of the badge to confirm your identity.

Mont Orgueil Castle


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