4 | Live within your means. Let your home dictate your lifestyle - not the other way around. For example, if a bookcase is stacked high with mountains of books, consider donating the ones you no longer read instead of buying a larger bookcase. 5 | Store items smarter. Take some time to thoughtfully arrange your items in the rooms they’ll be used most frequently, you won’t need to walk between rooms to find and tidy them. 6 | Go digital. Do away with those piles of papers by storing your documents digitally. Plenty of apps can help you, while some, like Evernote, allow you to search certain words. 7 | Always maintain a junk drawer. It’s worth accepting that some items never will have a home - pencils, pens, string, twist ties, etc. So, instead of spending time creating homes for every individual thing, just scoop all your odd little bits and bobs into one junk drawer. 8 | Ask yourself if an item sparks joy. The final question to ask, if you’re unsure whether to keep an item, is whether it sparks joy. We can feel a sentimental bond with many things, but ultimately, if something doesn’t spark joy, we recommend against keeping it.

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