
1 | Think practically about where you place things. Placing infrequently-used items on your countertop while having to run around several cupboards and drawers for the essentials probably isn’t the best use of your space or time. Start by planning out where you want your most practical items to go (think: kettle, cups, cutlery, glasses etc.) and work out from there. 2 | Don’t double up. Got yourself a shiny new blender but keeping your old, trusty one in the cupboard, just in case? If it’s been untouched for more than 3-4 months, consider donating it to a charity shop, friend or member of

your family who might be in need of one. 3 | Plan a monthly food clear out.

Whenever we clear out our pantries or fridges, we tend to find several items that have gone bad. Having a monthly clear out means these things don’t sit rotting in the back of your cupboard for months on end, taking up valuable space and potentially contaminating other food items.

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