
1 | Assess every item as you go. Sort things into three piles – keep, archive and dispose. Items in the ‘keep’ pile will be used daily or weekly, like a laptop, mouse or notepad. Stuff in the ‘archive’ pile may include spare pens or important documents, which can be placed in short-term or long- term storage. And things in the ‘dispose’ pile can be sold, donated or thrown away. 2 | Analyse your layout. Consider rearranging furniture. The purpose of this activity is to help you maximise your space and work as efficiently as possible. For example, you can maintain a clear desk by storing rarely used items in drawers, dividers, or shelves. And if you’re left with any unused furniture, consider getting rid. 3 | Put everything in its rightful place. Once you know what you wish to keep, give everything a home. Consider how frequently each item will be used; for example, pens in a pot are usually kept within arm’s reach, whereas a rarely used file can be placed in storage. Finally, add some personal touches, like plants, family photos or art prints.

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