King's Business - 1951-06

JUNE, 1951

¿gheltonCollege Formerly The National Bible Institute Offers courses in Bible , English, Greek Philosophy, Semitic Languages and other fields in s u m m e r s c h o o l . INTER-SESSION May 21-June 29 • SUMMER SESSION First Term July 2-July 20 Second Term July 23-August 10 Write for details non . Address Registrar S h e l t o n C o l l e g e 340 W. 55th Street New York 19, N.Y.

N o u / R e a d q




Letters from the saintly John Newton to his parishioners on a variety of practical and spiritual subjects. Dr. Alexander Whyte said, "1 keep John Newton on my choicest shelf of spiritual books.” $3.50. Purchase at your favorite religious bookstore or direct from K735 MOODY P R E S S 820 N. LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO 10, ILLINOIS


Veterans who have not already begun their training, must do so before next June (1951) or lose the G.I. benefits. ßuildlNo-ux


BROADWAY PLAN CHURCH FINANCE J. S. BRACEWELL Director 1408 Sterling Building Houston, Texas

Deputation Work in Chile 'CROM the Presbyterian Bible In' stitute in Chile comes a thrilling “ From San Carlos, the route led to Chilian where some 150 people attend­ ed the meeting and two more young people responded to the call.

account of the “end'of'term student and Faculty deputation trip” which covered over a thousand miles among churches and groups to the south. Dur­ ing the eight days of the trip, forty young people answered the invitation to consecrate themselves to the service of the Lord and His church. Sixteen en­ rolled as new students in the Bible In­ stitute. The missionary in charge writes: “ Some 50 or 60 people at San Car­ los crowded in to hear the message in testimony and song. After a hymn or two and prayer, the chorus sang ‘Vino Un Angel’ (An Angel Came). Then two of the students testified of their salvation; how the Lord led them to Bible School; and the blessings received there. During the program, all the stu­ dents had an opportunity to do likewise. That afternoon, four young girls an­ swered the invitation and a real prayer interest was raised in the school and its students.

“ After a Sunday afternoon meeting in Rancagua, the end and climax of the whole trip came in Santiago, the capitol. There after a splendid spirit-filled serv­ ice, fourteen young people expressed their earnest desire to surrender fully to the Lord that He might lead them into Christian service. Some young people from the English Anglican church at­ tended, and also answered the call.” The Independent Board was bom as a protest against rationalism, liberal­ ism and modernism, and is being used of God more widely than as just another missionary society. It is committed by its charter and by sincere conviction to the establishing and maintaining of “ truly Biblical missions” throughout the world.

Will you "hold the ropes" as these gospel missionary representatives of yours go down? Write for your monthly copy of "Biblical Missions’ and its thrilling missionary news direct to The General Secretary, Des^ P.

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Philadelphia 44, Pa., U.S. A.

Page Two

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


T h e W o r k a n d t h e W o r k e r s Formerly The Press and the Christian World By William W. Orr, D.D.


Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Acquires Famous Bible The American Bible Society has re­ cently acquired a set of the famous Paris Polyglot Bible, containing in ten huge volumes the text of the Bible in seven languages — Hebrew, Chaldee, Greek, Latin, Syriac, Arabic and Samari­ tan. During the 17th century there was a revival of learning in Western Europe and an increased interest in the lan­ guages of the Bible. Until then the Bible was known almost exclusively in Latin. This Bible was printed in Paris in 1629 to 1645 and was edited by a Paris lawyer, Guy Michel LeJay, with the aid of a large group of scholars. Bible School Merger A new milestone in evangelical Chris­ tian co-operation was reached with the announcement of the merger of two interdenominational Bible Schools, the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia School of the Bible. This new school will be known as the Phila­ delphia Bible Institute and Dr. William W. Mierop, former president of the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania, will be­ come president of the new school. Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr., will be dean. The school will be housed in the former home of the Y.W.C.A., an 8-story struc­ ture at 18th and Arch Streets, Phila­ delphia. Combined enrollment will total more than 500 day school students and as many evening school students. Festival of Britain More than three years of intensive evangelistic effort will be climaxed in a three months tour of England and Scot­ land by Dr. Hyman J. Appelman, Ameri­ can evangelist, and his song leader, Jack Rollings. Not since the days of Moody have such extensive preparations been made for a visiting evangelist in England. Meetings are planned to be held in Lon­ don, Liverpool, Plymouth, Glasgow and Edinburgh, and the movement is spon­ sored by the Movement for World Evangelization. Demand Is Greater For the last two years the Pocket Testament League has been carrying on its nation-wide distribution of Scriptures in Japan. Nearly 7,000,000 Gospels and New Testaments have been handed out and yet today the response of the Japa­ nese people is greater than ever before. Along with the Scripture distribution there has been a corresponding campaign of evangelical efforts which reached a new peak of attendance when Gil Dodds, famous “ Flying Parson,” and Jack Wyrt- zen of the Word of Life Fellowship preached in a series of great rallies in outdoor stadiums in the four main is­ lands of Japan. J U N E , 1951

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1951, The King’s Business No part o f this magazine may he reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 42 June, 1951 No. 6

The Work and the Workers, William W. O rr ........................................ 3 Editorially Speaking .................................................................................. 4 Is the Bible Scientifically Correct? Harry Rimmer ............................ 6 Adventuring for Christ Along the Orinoco and the Amazon........... 7 Biola’s Forty-first Commencement........................................................... 13 Wait for Me! E. Frederick Mertens ....................................................... 13 “ Bringing Them into the Fold”— the Story of the Kentucky Mountain Mission Children’s Home................................................ 14 Junior King’s Business: A Home for Pedro, Sally Hawthorne . . . . 17 What the Bible Means to the Young....................................................... 18 Is the Daily Vacation Bible School Worth-while? Robert C. D u h s.. 18 Evangelizing the Jews .............................................................................. 19 Young People’s Topics, Walter L.Wilson ............................................... 23 Sunday Schooi Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ............. 27 The Bible in the News, William W. O rr .............................................. 33 Biola Family Circle .................................................................................... 34 Dr. Talbot’s Question B ox............................................................... 35 Book Reviews ..................................................................................................36 Object Lessons ............................................................................... 37 Picture Credits: Cover, Harold M. Lambert Studios; p .ll, Pan American World Airways System ; p. 12, Ewing Galloway; p. 17, Adeline Gordon. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—‘‘The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00. on* X,?8!.' »1-00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538. P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November \3, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

as armourplate. It is not a fetish or a charm. The soldier who accepts a New Testament and places it in his pocket will not be secure from the enemy’s fire because of the presence of this book. No­ where does God promise that a printed copy of the Bible is life insurance against danger or death. The Bible is a book to be read, studied, meditated upon, loved, and lived. It is a book which can be read with one’s eyes but must also be hidden in one’s heart. Its letters are light; its words are love; its message is life. The value of the book is its eternal value. .Its message transcends life. It is a book to live by; it is a book to die by. Its gospel being heeded, there is no death. The Apostle Paul stated, “ For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” The value of the book lies not in merely carrying it, but in coming to know in­ timately, personally, vitally, its Author. The words of the Bible are able to make one wise unto salvation, but only as one believes them and allows them entrance into the heart and life. Same Destination I N a recent conference with a group of Protestant editors, President Harry Truman lashed out against interchurch squabbling. He suggested that petty feuds be forgotten and denominational quarrels be overlooked. “ Everybody,” said he, “ is headed for the same place and they are headed on the same train and under the same engineer.” It is presumed that Baptist Harry Truman was speaking of only born-again Christians and that he meant whether you belonged to this denomination or that, if you had truly trusted the living Son of God as your personal Saviour, there would be no doubt as to your eternal destiny. It was indicated that what was meant in this statement was that the minor points of church differ­ ences should not separate where there was unity in the great basic underlying fact of one’s personal relationship to the crucified and risen Christ. With this we are in hearty agreement. However, in reading the news dispatch rather carefully, we have an uneasy conviction which, coupled with previous statements, might lead us to believe that resident in the present remarks was a view that all men are headed for heaven, particularly all Americans. It is sur­ prising how many people subscribe to the doctrine that Christians are folks with white skins or that Christians are folks born under the Stars and Stripes! It is amazing how careless is the think­ ing of literally millions of people who never yet have understood clearly that the doctrine of the universal Fatherhood of God and the universal Brotherhood of Man is a myth of the most dangerous sort. The startling truth is that all are not headed the same way; heaven is not everyone’s destination; even the engineer is not everyone’s engineer. Clear words of Scripture tell us that there are two fathers, one the Father T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

who have never heard. This is the secret of the burning heart. This is the spark that will add divine energy to human instrumentality. This is the desperate need of the church of Jesus Christ today. At the present writing, Dr. Talbot has embarked on a new mission. This time it is to South America to visit the many difficult yet spiritually potential fields of that vast continent. The travel is extremely taxing, the climate enervat­ ing. But the results obtained from show­ ing these films are beyond the power to contemplate. May God be pleased to use these forthcoming films as well to create millions more of burning hearts! Books That Save Lives W E have noted a number of news accounts with accompanying photo­ graphs telling the story of bullets’ be­ ing stopped by a Bible or a New Testa­ ment in the pockets of our G.I.’s. Im­ mediately lessons were drawn from these incidents and various agencies urged that all soldiers carry such New Testa­ ments in strategic places in their uni­ forms so that they too might have the insulation of this Holy Book. Now comes the tale of a comic book’s saving the life of an Air Force cor­ poral ! Charles L. Fultz was checking the nose wheel of his plane while its engine was racing at top speed. He was standing about two feet from the air Scoop when the suction plucked him off the ground and hurled him into the opening. Investigation revealed that the air blast ripped pages from the comic book in his pocket and blasted them against the intake screen, cutting down the suction and saving Fultz’s life. From this incident, too, lessons could be drawn that all soldiers ought to carry comic books in their pockets! The absurdity of either conclusion is obvious. If the truth were known, there have been hundreds and hundreds of G.I.’s, both Christian and non-Christian, with New Testaments in their pockets or medallions of some sort about their necks whose lives were snuffed out by the enemy’s bullets. Neither the Bible or the New Testament is to be carried

“ Burning Hearts” Y OU will remember the origin of this phrase. It was the afternoon of the resurrection day, and two of our Lord’s friends who had been to Jerusa­ lem were returning to their own village of Emmaus. As they made their way along the road, the Lord Himself drew near, walked with them and spoke un­ forgettable words regarding His death and resurrection. Their testimony after­ wards was that the words of our Lord had set their hearts on fire. If there is anything that is needed in the great realm of Christian living today, it is “burning hearts.” We' have sermons by the bushel and exhortations without number. What we need are Spirit-filled and Spirit-directed messages that after burning away the dross of selfishness and frivolity, will become a great light reaching out to others and lighting the way to usefulness and immortality. Over a year ago, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, undertook an extensive round- the-world tour. The purpose of this tour was two-fold. First, it was an expres­ sion of love to graduates from the school where they had received their training. Secondly, it was a mission to see first­ hand through the eye and through the camera what actually takes place on the mission fields. The result of this trip was that upon Dr. Talbot’s return a series of ten interesting and informative colored moving picture films were shown to large audiences all along this Pacific Coast. The complete results of this mission probably will never be tabulated on this earth, but of some results we are cer­ tain. As these pictures were shown and as the missionary story unfolded, hearts began to burn. Interest was quickened, tears flowed, and resolves were made. The great Christian ideal of this age is the cause of missions. The purpose that is foremost in the heart of God is the publishing abroad of His Son and the spiritual tonic that will do more to create really spiritual believers is a deep and unbounded interest in carrying the gladdest good news of all time to those Page Four

ment, but rather a definite heart lack on the part of these officials. Senator Tobey’s recommendation is, “We must return to the teaching of God.” Remedial federal legislation will help only a little. We must get to the roots of the trouble to be really effective. In any community where law-enforcing of­ ficials have the courage, the support of the citizenry, and the will to put an end to these outrages, it can be done. There is no man living, no matter how much he has sinned, that cannot be redeemed if he turns about, confesses his sins, and accepts the Lordship of the Master of men. Senator Tobey continues: “ The American people have their political dif­ ferences, but they have the same pas­ sions in their hearts for decency and justice to create a safe world for our children to grow up in and to live. A sense of righteous indignation is being developed and when the people become aroused, God help those who would try to make of this nation a land wherein dwells unrighteousness.” Mercy From the Lord S OME things that appear in our public press immediately capture the atten­ tion. This was one of those times as the press reported the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The judge on the bench, Irving R. Kaufman, declared, “Your crime is worse than murder . . . and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason . . . It is not in my power . . . to forgive you. Only the Lord can find mercy for what you have done. The sentence of the Court . . . is . . . death.” It is not our purpose to go into the pros or cons of the trial. Sufficient to say that most American people approved the sentence. The phrase, “ Only the Lord can find ,mercy” struck our eye. Here, according to this learned jurist, was one of the most heinous crimes of history. In his opinion, these two were wholesale murderers because of their treason in allowing the secrets of the bomb to seep into Soviet Russia. The death toll of this betrayal will probably not be counted in either hundreds or thousands, but rather in the millions. It is easily understood how Judge Kauf­ man acting for justice and the American people, could not find it in his heart to show mercy. On the other hand, the jurist spoke a tremendous truth as he implied that God would find mercy for them. It was one of the Greek philosophers, in wres­ tling with his own conscience, who said, “ It may be that God can forgive sins, but I do not see how.” But, believe it or not, the mercies of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting and Jesus Christ, God’s Son died for a world’s sin. Every last person upon the face of the earth, be his crime large or small, if he shall turn in genuine repentance, can know the pardoning and cleansing power of God’s forgiveness. Page Five

of the righteous who is also the Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; and the other the father of lies, a mur­ derer from the beginning and the spirit that now worketh in the children of dis­ obedience who also heads a vast brother­ hood whose destination is perdition. Would to God that this tremendous and vital truth could be spread abroad among the peoples of the world so that they might choose life and not be swept on­ ward to eternal death. The Man and the Book S OBER modern historians are ques­ tioning whether there has ever been a time in the history of our country when such a wave of national regard has been expressed for any one man as for General Douglas MacArthur. His triumphant welcome to this country has been far more than even a heartfelt national tribute. It was an inner reve­ lation of some of the deepest feelings of our American people, partaking al­ most of the spirit of a revival. It brought about a solidification of the opinions of right thinking people. Most Americans have followed very closely the reports of MacArthur’s serv­ ice. His love for his country and con­ cern for his soldiers have been reflected time and time again, not only in words, but in his actions. His features are clear-cut and his words the same. He walks with a firm stride; there is never any hesitancy in speech or manner. It is unnecessary to say that he is a man of high personal integrity. His movements betray a background of deep moral and religious convictions. He is a man among men. But why? How is it that this military man of over half a century’s experience with the trials and vicissitudes that military life can bring, can exhibit such sterling qualities and enviable ideals? On this question has been vast editorial comment. Many have given the credit to his father. Some have warmly ptaised his wife; others his own inner stability. We would like to suggest that Mac­ Arthur is America’s ideal military man and statesman because of his association with the Book. A year ago the President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles visited Japan. He was there in the interest of the stu­ dents that had graduated from Biola. An interview with the General was re­ quested and granted. I quote from Dr. Talbot’s letter describing the interview: “ One of the high spots during our visit was an interview with General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Com­ mander of the Allied Forces in Japan. This interview took place last Friday, September 23, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. We were allotted about twenty minutes for the interview, but the General was so interested in the things that concerned us and our schools that we remained for nearly a full hour. “Among other things, he stated his conviction that the only permanent so- J U N E , 1 9 5 1

lution of Japan’s problem is to put the Word of God in the hands of the people of this country. In order to accomplish• this, he has called for 3,000 mission­ aries and for 10,000,000 Bibles for the next three years. Then, he would make another appeal for an additional 8,000,- 000 or 18 million Bibles or Testaments, all told. Then, the General added these significant words: ‘It will then be up to the Bible to demonstrate itself, and it is my firm conviction that there is power in that Book, for it has never failed.’ “He added, ‘Now is the time to strike, and if the church fails, it will prove to be the greatest tragedy the world has known since the beginning of the Chris­ tian era, and historians will hold us ac­ countable for failing Japan in the hour of its deepest anguish.’ Both Dr. Bau­ man and I felt that General MacArthur was expressing a conviction that he felt keenly, but it seemed to us that he felt a little discouraged because the response of the church at home was not up to his expectation. He was very delighted to learn that the schools which we rep­ resent, are training young people for Japan and that we were here in this land with a view of learning how to give the best preparation possible to students ivho are being fitted for this task. On leaving we assured him that he would have our utmost support and co-operation, and that we would return to our schools to challenge the young people with the words that he had spoken within our hearing. A fter a hearty handshake and a parting ‘God bless you,’ we went on our way.” It is our humble, yet firm conviction, that association with the Book of God makes men great. This association is not always openly apparent. Men do not parade their dependence upon the Scrip­ tures; rather, one learns of this depend­ ence only by intimate insight into per­ sonal lives. Without doubt, a part of General MacArthur’s daily routine is time spent with the Book of books. May God help us to follow his example! God Help America T HE spiritual pulses of many Chris­ tian Americans were quickened by a recent article in the American from the pen of Senator Charles W. Tobey, of New Hampshire. He served as a mem­ ber of the now famous Senate Crime Investigating Committee, headed by Senator Estes Kefauver. Most of the shocking revelations of that committee are already known to the American people. The net result of the entire sorry mess is a wave of intense and heartfelt disappointment and disillusionment on the part of the American people as men who were elected to high office were shown to be liars, cheats and despicable betrayers of their high office. Looking over the entire situation from the standpoint of one who sat in on the whole sorry investigation, Senator Tobey finds the fault a spiritual one. It is not merely a question of crime and punish­


^ ^Jhe d3ille Scienti^icallu (Correctl


Reproduced by permission from the book T h e H a r m o n y of S cie n ce a n d S criptu re Copyright by Research Science Bureau, Inc.

M ANY years ago, the writer sat in a classroom and engaged in a friendly debate with one of his professors in that school. Holding that the Bible was the Word of God, the writer, then a student, was frequently challenged by this instructor who was a confirmed infidel. We could count on a friendly sparring match almost any time this particular class convened. The professor insistently sought for fal­ lacies and mistakes in the Scripture, which he gleefully advanced in the course of classroom discussion. On this occasion we remember coming into the classroom and being warned by the twinkle of delight in the good doc­ tor’s eye, we felt sure that he had one that day that was unusually satisfactory to himself. Scarcely had the class convened, when the professor opened up saying, “ Do you still believe the Bible is the Word of God?” We laughed and said, “Yes, I believe the Bible to be the Word of God, but I am not being still about it.” With his usual reply, the doctor said, “How can you accept the Bible as the Word of God, when it contains such glaring scientific errors?” We reminded the professor that he had not been able to establish any of those errors so far, and asked what he had now. He replied by saying, “How about that cytological error that Paul the Apostle made in the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians?” Confessing ignorance of the error, we asked the professor to cite it, and he read these words, “ All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, an­ other of fishes, and another of birds.” Very specifically that passage does say that there i s ' a different kind of flesh for men than there is for beasts, and that the flesh of fishes differs from the flesh of birds, and each differs from the other. We were willing to concede the professor’s point, that the Bible there stated a. biological and cytological difference between the cell structure of the various great phyla. The professor was somewhat amused when we replied that we agreed with Paul the Apostle that there was a speci­ fic and scientific difference between the flesh of one great species and another. In some surprise the instructor asked, Page Six

“Have you come this far in your stud­ ies, and have not learned the continu­ ity theory?” “ Oh yes,” we said, “we have learned the continuity theory, but we are not giving up the Bible for any theory. It is facts upon which we depend.” The professor warmly insisted that the continuity theory was an established fact. Since we are speaking now of the ar­ chaic days of biology, something more than twenty years ago, it might be wise to remind the reader of this famed con­ tinuity theory. This idea was predicated upon the supposition that all cell struc­ ture was the same. Early investigators discovered that the cells of all living creatures contained a basic substance called protoplasm. They jumped to the conclusion that all protoplasm was the same, therefore, that all cells were the same. Thus they built up the evolution­ ary hypothesis that by a continuity of life transmission from one form to an­ other, the various species had arrived through an evolvular process. We can still remember the warmth of the discussion •that followed the criti­ cism of Paul’s statement, which repudi­ ated this continuity theory. The professor said, “ The continuity theory is a fact.” We replied, “ I don’t believe it. I believe that there is a specific and scientific difference between the basic structure of every two groups of living creatures.” He added his usual crushing retort, “ Prove it.” We honestly said, “ That’s the trouble; I can’t prove it. But, Professor, after all, I don’t have to prove it, because you agree with Paul and me, and admit that we are right.” In stuttering chagrin, the professor said, “ But I don’t agree; I am standing here denying it.” Trusting that his sense of humor would stand the strain, we took a chance and retorted, “ Yes, that’s what you say now, but actions speak louder than words. You do agree with us that all flesh is not the same flesh. For instance, let us assume that you ate your dinner today in the Palace Hotel and. ordered quail on toast, for which you were charged. If they served you codfish, you would yell loudly enough to be heard across the Bay of San Francisco.” Somewhat bewildered, the good doc­ tor said, “What does that prove?”

Not having any credits left in that class and thus being able to take tre­ mendous chances, we replied, “ That proves that while you might not know the difference between a fish and a bird, your stomach and your taste buds do, and it seems, then, as though we have more sense under our belts than we have under our hats.” The argument broke up in an up­ roar, and neither of us ever convinced the other. How we wish that the doctor were alive today' We would like to go to him in a sweet, kindly spirit and pointing at him an index finger, we would like to say, “Aha!” with all the emphasis that could be put upon that ejaculation. For now, according to the findings of modern science, Paul the Apostle should be classified as a very credible cytologist! You may perhaps have read of that interesting reagent produced by the Parke Davis labora­ tories and named, upon its introduction, “Anti-human Precipitin.” This has been largely used by the scientific sections of criminal investigation departments in all of our big city police systems. If one had a bit.of bone, or blood, or flesh, or skin, or organic substance that was alive or had been alive, no matter how old or dessicated that substance might be, and one desired to know from what living creature it had come, the method would be comparatively simple. There was a time when murderers, faced with the evidence of a blood-stained gar­ ment, had some ability to evade justice by maintaining that they had killed a rabbit or a chicken or some other meat animal, and the law could not prove the contrary. Those days are gone forever. If we had dried blood, the stain of blood, or live blood, and we put it into the test tube and added the anti-human precipitin, we would get an almost in­ stant reaction which said, “ This is ani­ mal” or “ This is human.” The same is true of all the cell struc­ ture of the human body. This reagent will not tell the difference between two kinds of animals. It will not tell the dif­ ference between two varieties of man, but it will instantly and infallibly indi­ cate whether the once living matter which is under investigation came from an animal or from a human being. If the in­ dication shows that it is human, there (Continued on Page 20) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Adventuring for Christ Along the Orinoco and the Amazon

Second Installment in the Travel Diary of Dr. Louis T. Talbot and Mr. J. Russell Davis

Tuesday, March 27, 1951: Up early and off to the airport for a 7:50 A.M. flight to Bogota, capital of Colombia. Due to bad weather plane did not come until 9:15 A.M., with a broken oil line! After it was repaired, we got away at 10:30 A.M. and had a good flight to Bogota. Rev. John Dyck of the Mennonite Brethren Mission at La Cumbre was on the plane and we enjoyed a fine visit with him. We learned more of the terrible persecution which the Catholic Church is carrying on against the Evangelicals and all liberals who are opposed to the reign of terror of the Conservative Catholic Party. When this missionary left La Cumbre the day before, the bodies of fifteen men, who had been shot, tied on the backs of horses, were being brought into town. We were met at the Bogota field by Rev. LaVerne Rutsch- man (Biola ’41) who very kindly took us to see the sights in his car. It rained nearly all the time we were there, and at almost 9,000 feet elevation it was cold. However, this did not keep us from seeing the city, including a trip by cable car up to an old Catholic church on a sheer cliff 1,500 feet higher above the city. This building lies at the end of a steep climb, flanked by bronze statues of the stations of the cross, to which pilgrims flock on Sundays. They make the steep climb on their knees, stopping to burn candles and pray at each of the stations. Then we came down to the city, visited the very modern buildings of the fine old Presbyterian School, called the College Americano, and enjoyed a visit with the Rev. Mr. Woods, pastor of the foreign church. He told us of the memorial service for King Gustav of Sweden which had been conducted in his church, as the Swedish Government refused to allow it to be held in a Catholic church as the hierarchy desired. The high Catholic officials of the government were obliged to come to this Protestant church to listen to the service con­ ducted by an evangelical pastor. The Papal Nuncio and the President sent their regrets that they could not attend ! Wednesday, March 28th, 1951: Had breakfast in our hotel with Rev. Robert Lazaer, Executive Secretary of the Presbyterian Mission in Colombia, and heard further confirmation of the violent opposition to all evangelical work in this country. Unless Christians pray and God works in a mighty way, it looks as if mission work in Colombia would be stopped very soon. Mr. Lazaer told us that the Papal Nuncio had just presented demands to the President that all heretical religions be banned by law in the country in order to protect the true church! He also described the fearful riots in Bogota in 1948 when the Liberal President was shot and the Conservative Catholic Party came into power. The people rose up in protest and wrecked Catholic churches and property, only to be ruthlessly shot down. Even priests in their robes fired machine guns from the church towers. Our government was informed that this incident was merely put­ ting down a Communist revolt, and this report was backed up by Catholic consular officials. So we support a Catholic dic­ tatorship that slaughters all opposition without mercy and brands all who rebel against them as Communists, including evangelical pastors and Christians. About 10 A.M. we left Bogota and flew to Barranquilla, a beautiful city on the Caribbean, where we spent the night in a hotel while awaiting the Pan-American plane which would take us to Venezuela the next morning. It was surprisingly

The Orinoco River, ivith Cuidad Bolivar, headquarters of the Orinoco River Mission, in the distance. cool, and we enjoyed a good swim, so our few hours’ stay in this city was a pleasant interlude in our travels. Thursday, March 29th, 1951: After telephoning a number of missionaries, we got off at 10 A.M. for Caracas, Venezuela. We flew between snow­ capped Andean peaks 19,000 ft. high, but soon came out again to the beautiful, blue Caribbean Sea, and followed the coastline across the north edge of South America. At 1:30 P.M. we arrived at Maiguetia, the airport, about nineteen miles from Caracas. There we were met by Bill Nyman, Jr., and after the formalities of customs, health and passport inspection and a few other things, we left the coast by taxi for the beautiful, winding drive up into the mountains where Caracas is located, 3,000 feet high. Due to heavy storms, one-half of the two-way road had been washed out, so traffic was compelled to proceed down the mountain in the morning and up in the afternoon. Everything necessary for the life of this huge capital of Venezuela must be hauled by truck up this one narrow road, so you can imagine the terrific traffic jams. It is estimated that if this road were blocked, the food and other supplies in the city would last only seventy-two hours. This road is literally the lifeline of Caracas. We then accompanied Bill to the very small, but extremely expensive, apartment the Nymans share with another man to help with expenses. There we had the joy of renewing our friendship with Marjory MacMillan Nyman, and of course of having a good visit with her husband, Bill, as well as meeting the Rev. Robert Schneider of Wycliffe Bible Trans­ lators. After a good visit and a meal together, we went out to see the sights of this fantastic city founded in 1567 under the name of Santiago de Leon Caracas. Here we found modern buildings, narrow streets and an incredibly beautiful univer­ sity under construction. However, the most impressive thing was the high prices! Anything American can be purchased, but everything costs three or four times more than at home. It is a mystery to us how missionaries can live on the small allowances they receive, but these “ other lost sheep” must be reached, so they continue to sacrifice and do the best they can until folks at home realize that they cannot make it on the usual missionary allowances.

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JUNE, 1951

here, even though it is hot, as the rivers are all full of caripe, native fish about a foot long, with very sharp teeth with which they really bite! I spent the morning downtown in Cuidad Bolivar with Chuck Olvey, shopping for supplies to take with us on our trip into the jungle to look for unreached Indians. In the afternoon I worked with the Missionary Aviation Fel­ lowship fliers, carefully weighing every item we had, so as not to exceed the carrying capacity of the little four-seater Piper Clipper in which we are to fly tomorrow. Tuesday, April 3rd, 1951: Jim Truxton, MAF pilot, Chuck Olvey, of the Orinoco River Mission, and I got away to an early start this morning. We were out of the airport, had the MAF plane gassed up and loaded and were in the air by 8 A.M. It Was a wonderful ex­ perience to fly over the rivers and jungles of this great land, and to realize that we were looking down into areas unreached by the gospel. It was a beautiful day and a very comfortable trip, made more so by the careful and efficient manner in which the MAF fliers check and handle their equipment. Our destina­ tion was the little town of about 2,000 population called Cai­ cara, which is the last outpost of Venezuelan civilization, with nothing lying south between it and the Amazon but hundreds of miles of mountains and jungles, in which there are living unknown thousands of Indians who have never been reached with the gospel, and whose language no one knows. What a missionary field! Wednesday, April &th, 1951: Very hot, but dull and cloudy this morning. I hate to think what it will be when the sun comes out! In the afternoon it cleared a little and Chuck Olvey and I went along with an Indian in a canoe to visit a lovely lagoon opening off the Orinoco, surrounded by dense jungle, into which one of the tributaries of the Orinoco flows. As we paddled silently across the waters of the lagoon, we could see the noses and eyes of about twenty-five alligators whose bodies were resting just beneath the surface of the water. They watched us with an unblinking stare until we paddled too close to them. Then they would swim away, leaving a great V-shaped wake in the still waters. The waters teemed with tropical life, as did the jungle around us. Great water dogs, with heads like dogs, but bodies and flippers like seals, played in the water, swimming up to look at us, and then diving into the water to come up at a great distance away from us. Fish of various kinds broke water all over the lagoon, porpoises played around the canoe, and overhead and on the jungle banks there were brightly-colored parrots and countless other kinds of bird life. It was an attractive place, but the heat was so terrific we were glad to return to the little open rooms of the mission station. In the evening we attended the service for the 35 or 40 Christians who form the little church in this outpost. Among this group are Christian Indians who have moved in from the !*»>.

Friday, March 30th, 1951: Left Caracas by taxi to beat the 11 A.M. deadline for start­ ing down the hill, and then had to wait an hour and a half in some real tropical heat before we took off by a Venezuelan plane for Cuidad Bolivar. En route we stopped at Barcelona, where we were met by Lelia Bascom ’40, Mildred Livingstone, and Marion Alle- bach, of the Orinoco River Mission, who had come over from Puerta La Cruz to see us as we passed through. After a visit with them, we continued on to San Tome, where we were greeted by Marjorie Thompson ( ’40) and Ruth Battey, also of the Orinoco River Mission. Marjorie Thompson accom­ panied us on the plane to Cuidad Bolivar, where we were received by a wonderful group of Christians, singing songs of welcome. Then we were taken by Dr. Van V. Eddings ( ’13) and Mrs. Eddings to the compound of the Orinoco River Mission, where we were soon enjoying fellowship with Charles W. Olvey (’36 and ’37), Mary Olvey, and Florence Turner (’32). We also became acquainted with two of the very fine pilots of the Missionary Aviation Fellowship who are stationed here with their families, Jim and Betty Truxton and Hobey and Olive I.owrance, all of whom are doing a wonderful job of making surveys by air of unreached areas, as well as helping out with the missionary work in this city. After a blessed time of fellowship together around the dinner table, we discussed the opportunities and possibilities of work in this land today. Doors are open wide; there is little opposition to the gospel; and only lack of workers and funds holds back even greater results than are taking place here. Saturday, March 31st, 1951: After spending the morning seeing the sights of this inter­ esting city, we settled down in the afternoon to make plans to see and photograph as much as possible of the work here in Venezuela during the days our schedule will allow. We con­ cluded that to cover all the territory we would have to divide forces. Dr. Talbot and Dr. Eddings decided to take a trip by air to visit the other stations of the Orinoco Mission, espe­ cially the Bible Institute at Las Delicias under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tuggy. I (Mr. Davis) will go by the four-seater Piper Clipper, of the Missionary Aviation Fellow­ ship, with Jim Truxton and. Chuck Olvey, to Caicara, which is the Olveys’ station. There we will make arrangements for a trip to the Panara Indians, who live in the jungle between the Orinoco and Amazon rivers, and whose languge is un­ known, as the great majority of them have never had any contact with outside civilization and so far as can be discov­ ered no one has entered their territory. Slight contacts for the gospel have been made with some of the other Indian groups in this vast region, but the aerial surveys indicate hundreds of Indian “roundhouses” in areas that have never been reached, some of which would take two months to reach by jungle trail and dugout canoe. What a challenge for young folks to join the brave' few who are here now, seeking these lost ones for Christ! Sunday, April 1st, 1951: Sunday School at Capilla por La Guen Pastor (The Chapel of the Good Shepherd), with about 235 in attendance, followed by a service that jammed the Chapel. Dr. Talbot preached, with Dr. Eddings translating, and it was a joy to see the real appreciation of these fine Christians for our visit among them. We rushed home for a very quick dinner and then off to the airport to put Dr. Talbot and Dr. Eddings on the plane to start their trip visiting mission stations. In the evening I took the service in the Bethel Chapel, again with an over­ flow crowd, and after the service was hugged by assorted large and small ladies and gentlemen, who in this typical Venezuelan fashion showed their appreciation for the service! Monday, April 2nd, 1951: A quiet day. Dr. Talbot is visiting Cumana and Carupano up on the coast of the Caribbean Sea, seeing the work of the Orinoco River Mission stations in those places, and enjoying a good swim on the beach there. No chance to go swimming Page Eight

The Piper four-seater C lippe r in which Dr. Talbot and Mr. Davis flew thousands of miles over jungles and rivers. MAF pilots Jim Truxton and Hobey Lowrance are shown. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

jungle to become civilized, as well as Venezuelans, who have been won from Roman Catholicism. It was a great joy to meet this warm-hearted group who know and love the Lord, and are seeking to witness for Him on the edges of the jungle. Thursday, April 5th, 1951: Spent most of the day going around with Chuck Olvey, doing some missionary work. We visited the homes of many of the Christians we had met the night before, and enjoyed talk­ ing with them of our common bond of saving faith in Christ. We went some distance up the river in the afternoon, saw some boat-building activities, and then proceeded to the site of a very ancient Indian village dating back about 1,500 years. This site was discovered by the Olveys a few years ago and, when confirmed by archeologists, caused the revision of textbooks here which had stated that there was no evidence of Indian occupation of the Orinoco River dating prior to the last hundred years or two. The Christians wanted to make the most of opportunity, so we had another service for them in the evening, and I spoke to them again, with Chuck Olvey Over to the airstrip with the two pilots, Jim Truxton and Hobey Lowrance, to meet the returning MAF plane bringing Dr. Talbot. Dr. Talbot was very enthusiastic about his visit to the Las Delicias Bible Institute at Caripe, Venezuela. His report of the work they are doing is thrilling. About 35 or 40 young men and women are taking the three-year course in Bible study in preparation for full-time service to their own . people.. All of these students are Venezuelans, a mixture of Indian and Spanish. All have come from Roman Catholic homes and are the products, under God, of the splendid work of the Orinoco River Mission. Dr. Talbot was happily sur­ prised to discover the school providing such a thorough cur­ riculum. With the exception of Greek and Hebrew, it is similar to courses offered in the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, only in simpler form, of course. In training these Venezuelan Christians for full-time Chris­ tian service, assurance is given that should all foreign mis­ sionary service be suspended by the government, the testimony will still go on. In other words, Dr. Eddings is planning for the future, because one does not know what the present gov­ ernments of South America will do in regard to evangelical Christianity. During our stay here we ourselves have felt the opposition of the Roman Catholic Church to Protestantism. Romanism is recognizing that the evangelicals are a force with which they must reckon. Dr. Talbot had the privilege of addressing these students and holding interviews with indi­ viduals regarding their personal problems. The school com­ prises a campus of about five or six acres, and is in the midst of a building program that will be able to take care of a student body of about one hundred. Some of the students are spending their spare time constructing a large boat, under the direction of Edward and Alfred Tuggy, for use in evangeliz­ ing the small towns all along the Orinoco River. It should be completed within a month or two. All of the students of the Bible Institute have their prac­ tical work assignments, as do our students at Biola. A number of them go to surrounding villages on bicycles, calling from house to house, presenting the gospel in testimony and leaving tracts and Gospels of John in Spanish. Mr. Tuggy and Dr. Talbot followed a few of these young men in an automobile, photographing their work as they drove along. The response of the people and the eagerness with which they listened to the gospel message, were amazing. All of the members of the household, with neighbors on either side, gathered around and listened to these young men telling the story of their con­ version to Christ. The children who gathered in this im­ promptu congregation were completely unclothed. As we were at a distance, taking the pictures, we were able to get the facial expressions of these people, because they did not know the camera was turned on them. Conversions numbering be­ tween three and four hundred were reported last year and all were followed up, cultivated and encouraged. In this way J U N E , 1951 translating into Spanish. Friday April 6th, 1951:

Dr. and Mrs. Van V. Eddings Dr. Eddings is

founder and director of the Orinoco River Mission.

the gospel testimony goes on in spite of the opposition of Romanism. The hearts of the people are hungry, and they are eager to listen to the gospel when they are away from the influence of the priests. Dr. Talbot was fascinated at the sight of orchids growing wild. The orchid, as you know, is a parasite like the mistletoe. It attaches itself to the limb of a tree and after a year’s growth puts forth its gorgeously-colored flowers. Dr. Talbot photographed these orchids growing on trees. One plant con­ tained fifteen very large blossoms, each of which would sell for at least five dollars in Los Angeles. In fact, all the flowers in the tropics, as well as the birds, are beautifully colored. This reminds us that our God is a God of beauty, who is en­ deavoring to reveal this fact through nature to the people of the jungles, and to tell them in this way that He will make their lives beautiful if they will allow Him to have His way with them. The MAF plane was checked again, and, with a full load of gas, the two pilots and I headed south to look for Indians. Previous survey trips had been taken on which the location of Indian “ roundhouses” had been marked on maps, but it was necessary to check the locations again before we started out, as the Indians habitually move from place to place. After flying south for about an hour, we found several of these communal dwellings set in clearings cut from the jungle. One was singled out which we circled several times, checking the location in relation to mountain peaks and rivers, so as to enable us to locate it from the ground. As we flew low over the house, the Indians could be seen down below, watching us. When we came close, they ran with great haste into their houses. After photographing the roundhouse from the air, and getting it thoroughly located, we marked it on the map. Then we flew back, checking the best route for us for reaching it the next day. The roundhouse we had found was one not previously located from the air, a conical dwelling, made of grass, with the roof extending right down to the ground. There were several out-buildings around it, but this seemed to be the chief dwelling-place for the group. It was a rough trip as we were obliged to fly low around the mountain peaks to get in close to this house, so we were all thankful when we were back safe at the airstrip at Caicara, and it did not take us long to he driven to the mission house. Again we were in time for an evening service, as these Christians really wanted to get all they could while we were there. This time the two MAF pilots gave testimonies, and then Dr. Talbot brought the message. We were all glad to see one young person accept the Lord.

Air View of an Indian round­ house

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