King's Business - 1951-06



A miracle of Answered Prayer In the Heart of Scenic America Silver Fork Bible Conference Month of August— $17.50 per week IFrite Registrar 952 E. 9th So., Salt Lake City, Utah ^PR O PH EC Y MONTHLY' P s|||p^ f°* fe e b le ^ fu illt

man,, arrived by inspiration at the same conclusion that we have established by research. There is no field of investigation open to men that has been so thoroughly ex­ plored in the past few years as has the field of blood. A long time ago, going back through the hundreds of years and into the thousands, our present conclu­ sions concerning the essential nature of the blood were anticipated in the seven­ teenth chapter of Leviticus. If the read­ er would take time to refer to this chap­ ter, he would find that the Children of Israel were forbidden to eat any man­ ner of blood. The penalty for the viola­ tion of this prohibition was that the soul of the man who ate blood should be cut off from among the people. This commandment is repeated and reiterated on the specific ground that the life of the flesh is the blood thereof. Three times this scientific dictum is re­ peated in the short space of five verses. Predicated upon this fact there is the further statement that because the life of the flesh is in the blood, the blood has been given upon the altar to make an atonement for our souls, “ for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” In the days when Moses lived and wrote, very little was known about the laws of blood circulation, the com­

position of blood, and the marvelous sys­ tem of blood distribution. Indeed, we can read in medical journals only a few generations old and meet with surprising ignorance concerning the nature and purpose and function of blood. In those days when it was the uni­ versal practice to bleed the patient (be­ fore he got his bill), one author has in­ geniously suggested that in the letting of blood the practitioner should carefully weigh and measure the amount of blood taken from one arm. He was then en­ joined to remove carefully the same amount from the opposite arm, on the ground that if more blood were let from one side of the body than from the other, the body would thus become lopsided and the blood supply unbalanced! In the days when Moses walked the earth, ac­ cording to the ancient legends, men be­ lieved that arteries were air passages which permeated the body. It would be fantastic to suppose that Moses or any of his contemporaries were in possession of our knowledge concerning the nature, analysis, and function of the blood. Yet any one who has ever suffered from pernicious anemia would indeed concede the truth of the statement that the life is in the blood. When the blood dies, the individual dies. Long before the im­ mortal Harvey had done his pioneering work that made possible our present body of knowledge in this sphere of medical practice, Moses had anticipated the con­ clusions of our present day! The life of the flesh, indeed, is in the blood! If this be so, and the premise is thus established, then the conclusion that is based upon that premise is equally au­ thoritative. The conclusion is that since the life of the flesh is in the blood, atonement is in the blood as well. That one who finds in Calvary his source of salvation is not only Scrip- turally justified, but is thus scientifically vindicated as well. The life of the flesh is in the blood which permeates the flesh. The life of the soul is in the blood that was shed when the flesh of the Son of God was riven and broken on Calvary’s cross for the sins of men. Returning from this digression, we would point again to the astonishing fact that a modern premise of accepted therapy, which was achieved as a goal of extended research, was anticipated by the writer of Leviticus more than three thousand years before modernity made this discovery. Can there be any other explanation of this strange phenomenon than the one that is offered by Peter, namely, “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” ? Indeed, we know not any! T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Accordions, Clarinets, Saxaphones, Vibra Harps, Guitars Special price to Christians HAWTHORNE MUSIC CENTER R. D. No. 1 Barberton. Ohio

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Theological Courses for College Graduates College Courses for High School Graduates Biblical— Evangelical— Premillennial— Thorough Approved for Veterans - Fall Term Opens Sept. 1 Alva J. McClain, President Paul R. Bauman, Vice-President Herman A. Hoyt, Dean Homer A. Kent, Registrar

Pago Twenty-two

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