King's Business - 1951-06

July 8, 1951 FAMOUS BIBLE BOOKS Gen. 1:1; Psa. 23; John 3:16; 1 Cor. 13 Every book in the Bible has its own peculiar and precious characteristics. Some are better known than others. In this lesson we shall consider only four books. We shall think of these books in their main bearing upon our own lives. We shall think of the lessons they con­ tain which will be profitable to us. We shall consider what our Lord has to say to us through these books of history, de­ votion, gospel, and teaching. It is not enough that we learn what they say. We must be impressed with what they say to us and apply their messages to our own souls. In this way every Word of God becomes precious to the believer. Genesis This is the book of beginnings. Men have proposed hundreds of philosophies and reasonings in regard to the begin­ ning of things but in Genesis we have the true statement of the facts. Here we find the beginning of creation, the sphere of God’s grace; the beginning of "man, the subject of God’s grace; the beginning of sin, the cause of God’s grace; the beginning of society, the means of God’s grace; the beginning of the nation of Israel, the channel of God’s grace; the beginning of nations, the scope of God’s grace; the beginning of the life of faith, the results of God’s grace. Psalms This devotional book is divided into five books and each one ends in just about the same way and with the same words. The first book ends at Psalm 41:13 and its message contains truths

it is all right for them to do the same thing and so young minds are injured. Children witness their parents fighting, and they gain the impression that to cause physical injury is no sin. We need to be set free from asserting ourselves in such a way that brings a blight to the lives of those who look to us as examples. There Must Be Freedom From Ways That Hurt God’s Heart Luke 20:15 In their desire for perfect freedom and liberty, men say and do things that are very offensive to God. They forget that His heart of love is hurt by their rebellious spirits. They forget that they should not bite the Hand that provides the golden grain, the fruits, and the blessings of life. They forget that the God of heaven is thrice holy and desires to change human lives by giving and by restraining and by withholding so that men may be made like Christ. When man’s freedom shuts out God’s care, only damage can result. There Must Be Freedom From Prac­ tices That Injure the Church Luke 19:14 Too often words are said from the platform or in the classes that injure the people of God. One preacher said as he stamped his foot and shook his fist at the audience, “ I would rather see a drunken man come to hear me preach than to see in the audience a professing Christian who had not been properly baptized!” This statement hurt the hearts of many of God’s people until they were ready to split the church. Freedom of speech certainly should not include freedom to injure God’s flock of sheep. Our words and our deeds should bring a blessing to others and not sor­ row.

By Dr. Walter L. Wilson Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People’s Groups July p 1951 WHERE FREEDOM ENDS Gal. 5:1; Rom. 14:13; 15:1-3 All men everywhere resent any restric­ tion of their liberty. They want to be free from all restraint. This resentment originated in the lives of Adam and Eve and has continued in every human heart since then. There was no one who could tame the man in the tombs. Barab- bas resented Roman conquerors. Demas rejected the restraint of Christian living. There is a rebellious spirit in the hearts of men and women, and; boys and girls, which does not regard the rights of others. Freedom ends when it interferes with the freedom of the neighbor. There Must Be Freedom From Bad Habits Prov. 1:32 The smoker demands freedom to smoke whenever and wherever he desires. He forgets that his second-hand smoke is obnoxious to those in the same room and to those who occupy nearby seats. The drinking man feels that he should be permitted to drink anything and any time he desires. He forgets that this in­ terferes with the blessing of his family and the work of his neighbor. The noise maker demands liberty to make as much noise as he pleases any time. He ignores the fact that this disturbs the sleeper or the sick person or those who study. There Must Be Freedom From Habits That Injure Others 1 Cor. 10:32 People are constantly doing things and saying things that injure the lives and hearts of others. A father uses profanity before the children and they, therefore, feel no remorse about using the same words. Children see their parents play­ ing cards and gambling so they believe JUNE, 1951


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