King's Business - 1951-06

The Mutual Relationship of Children And Parents Eph. 6:1-4 Let me emphasize the word mutual in the above heading. Children are expect­ ed to obey and honor their parents but parents also have a grave responsibility in a proper attitude toward their chil­ dren. Helps for the Children Living Together Happily in Our Homes Luke 2:51, 52; 2 Tim. 1:1-6 Memory Terse: “ Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another” (Eph. 4:32). A little girl heard her Sunday school teacher say that some children live like an angel in the church and for the devil in their homes. She knew that at church people always said how sweet and thoughtful she was. At home her family knew that she always pouted about her work, fought with her brothers and sis­ ter, and argued with her parents. Quick­ ly the little girl asked the Lord Jesus to help her to obey His Word at home as well as in her church and at school: “ Be ye kind one to another, tender-heart­ ed, forgiving one another.” God’s Word tells us that the Lord Jesus when He was a child obeyed His mother and Joseph and that “ Jesus in­ creased in wisdom and stature [He grew physically], and in favour with God and man.” If God’s Son obeyed in His home, surely boys and girls who know Him as their Saviour and want to be like Him should daily pray that they will be obedient to their parents also. When Paul, the great missionary, wrote a letter to a young man, Timothy, whom he had led to the Lord Jesus Christ, he spoke of the Christian home in which Timothy had lived as a child. Timothy’s grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice, had trained him to be strong in his faith. Paul asked Timothy to remember his Christian parents that he might never turn away from his Lord. Many years before Paul lived, God commanded His people, the Jews, to re­ member those things which they had learned in their homes. He told parents to teach His law to their children, and to talk o f His laws in their homes, and when they were walking in the way. Never were they to allow themselves nor their children to forget God’s Word. Have you been living like an angel before your friends and for Satan in your home? You can never win your unsaved parents or brothers or sisters to the Lord Jesus unless you live like Him everywhere. Only He can keep you sweet at all times; only He can give you strength in your home to be always “kind to one another, tender­ hearted, forgiving one another.” T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

portant tnat our homes be truly Chris­ tian, for it is only Christ who can build strong homes. Let us use this lesson to impress upon our pupils the need for putting Christ and His word in the cen­ tral place in every home. The Blessing of a Godly Heritage 2 Tim. 1:3-6 Paul here expresses his appreciation of his own godly background (v. 3) and then speaks of the spiritual heritage that belonged to Timothy (vv. 4, 5). The importance of having a godly herit­ age is strongly suggested in this pas­ sage. It is true that every individual has to be born again if he is to enter the kingdom of God. But it is also true that those who have a godly heritage are much more likely to come under the in­ fluences that lead to the experience of the new birth. Never let us think lightly of godly fathers and mothers. A godly heritage is a gift from the Lord. Paul appreciated his heritage. It is true that there was a time in his earlier experi­ ence when he failed to heed that heritage and went astray. Yet he realizes as he writes that the benediction of his godly forbears was upon his life. Then see how Paul traces the faith that was in Timothy from his grand­ mother through his mother to himself. We need to stress the importance of the home as a Christian influence in these days of moral and spiritual laxity. Continuance Under the Influence of A Godly Heritage 2 Tim. 3:14,15 It is' one thing to possess a godly heritage. It is quite another thing to make the best use of it. Paul urged Timothy to let the influences and in­ structions he had received from his god­ ly relatives rule his life. He should con­ tinue to let them guide and motivate him. Since through these relatives he had come to know the Scriptures so he should always let those same Scriptures cause him to appreciate in the fullest measure the salvation he had already re­ ceived. The Relation of Husband and Wife In the economy of God, headship in the home belongs to the husband (v. 23). The wife is expected to be obedient unto her husband in the Lord (Cp. 1 Pet. 3 :1). However, she should find no dif­ ficulty in this if her husband in any sense is willing to live up to the exhor­ tation given to husbands in verse 25. With these things in mind a minister has a perfect right to ask the bride in the marriage ceremony if she will promise to “ obey” her husband provid­ ing he also asks the husband if he will “ love” his wife in accordance with the measure set forth in verse 25. We need to study carefully the full meaning of the two verses in this section. In the Home Eph. 5:22, 25

July 8, 1951 CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE FAMILY 2 Tim. 1:3-6; 3:14, 15; Eph. 5:22, 25; 6:1-4 Pointers on the Lesson

The passages of Scripture chosen for this week’s study have to do with family relationships. They show the influence of godly living in the home. Often it has been said that a nation is no stronger than its homes. This being so, how im- Plan Your Vacation Now Ridgeview Park Bible Conference DERRY, PA. Inspiration» Vacation» Education and Recreation. Mrs. W. A. Sunday, E. Palmer, E. Braun, A. Payea, A. Banker, E. Williams, J. Young and many others. Write for Folder A. P. BANKER—408 Oakland—Greensburg, Pa. July 15th to 29th

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