Euan McGregor PAI is a well established Scottish painter. His work has a strong sense of shape and subject. He regularly uses printmaking within his painting. His work is striking, yet subtle in its makeup. Euan has a particular love of fringe or marginal spaces linking land and sea. His work is shown in galleries around the UK. He has many influences including the St Ives school and post war printmaking. Euan has had a number of solo shows in the UK including London, Edinburgh and Cornwall. He has created bodies of work on such varied themes as Outdoor pools and Lidos and Icelandic churches.

Euan has won a number of awards from Art institutions and was made a PAI in 2014. He shows regularly in art fairs and annual exhibitions.

LEFT Crail Acrylic on Board | 86 x 67 cm | £2500 TOP Findochty Piers Acrylic on Board | 63 x 63 cm | £1800 R IGHT Anstruther Acrylic on Board | 78 x 58 cm | £2000

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