It is common to fixate on that body part that hurts. The thought is that because it hurts there, the problem is right there! However, this is often not the cause. You see, the body part that is painful is usually the one that is doing all the work, because other areas are not doing their job.The body is truly amazing and all the parts work together as one whole, most of the time.However,whenanareaofyourbodybecomesweakorstiffbecause it wasabused frompoorposture,stressor injury,evenanoldone,otherareas strain from the overwork to pick up the slack. A common word that is used for this typeof repetitive injurystrain iscalled “tendonitis.”This issimplyan inflammation of the tendons of that area, which attach muscles to bones. For example, a very common complaint is tennis elbow and even pain in the forearmorwristarea.However,why is thishappening in thefirstplace? The upper extremity works in 3 parts, the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They rely on each other to make the incredible movements of your arm so you can reach grasp and do ordinary daily tasks we take for granted. They rely on your posture to be good in order to function properly. When you slouch or sometimes do a repetitive task, like reaching across your desk, certain muscles can become too tight or strong while others become weak. This muscle imbalance leads to that area not working as well as it should. For example, you sit at a desk all day and you slouch your shoulders. Now, your shoulder doesn’t work as well, but you still move your mouse around with your arm, which causes your wrist and forearmmuscles to overwork. As this happens over time, you start to notice aches and pains in your wrist and elbow. If this goes on too long, it becomes severe and you seek out medical help.
Typically a brace may be put on the area, but that is not where the problem is, right? It’sbecauseyourshoulderwasstiffandweak fromyourslouching. Now, a good physical therapist has the right medical training to spot where your posture is not optimum and how you are compensating. The right evaluation and treatment can get you back to doing what you like to do, quickly and easily. With the training we give you, you can help yourself stay well for the long haul and know what to do to prevent the problem from happening again.
If you are suffering with shoulder, elbow or wrist pain, call us today to learn more about how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free life! Call us today at (419) 559-5591/(866) 312-0054 to schedule an appointment!
Cherry-Berry Oatmeal Smoothie Eating Right Never Tasted So Good!
INGREDIENTS • ⅓ cup quick-cooking rolled oats
• ½ cup fresh dark sweet cherries • 1-2 tbsp almond butter • 1 tbsp honey • ½ cup small ice cubes
• ½ cup light almond milk • ¾ cup fresh strawberries
DIRECTIONS In a medium bowl combine water and oats. Microwave 1 minute. Stir in ¼ cup of the milk. Microwave 30 to 50 seconds more or until oats are very tender. Cool 5 minutes. In a blender combine oat mixture, the remaining ¼ cup milk, and the next four ingredients (through honey). Cover and blend until smooth, scraping container as needed. Add ice cubes; cover and blend until smooth. If desired, top each serving with additional fruit.
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