King's Business - 1945-07



An Interpretation of World Affairs in the Light of

the Scriptures . that it would take essential trans­ portation. However, nothing seems te be said about the additional trans­ portation facilities being w a s t e d along with fuel, grain and manpowei to manufacture the stocks of intoxi eating liquors. ♦ The C h r i s t i a n ' War Veterans oi America, a new veterans’ organiza­ tion for Christian men, is in receipt of a fine commendation from Lieu­ tenant General Sir William Dobbie, world famous commander of the Is­ land of Malta. G e n e r a l D o b b i e writes, “I trust this association o: Christian men and women who have known what Christ can be to them as- Saviour and Lord in time of war, maj be used to spread that knowledge anc to win many to know Him as Saviour.- too.” ♦ A United Press dispatch, discloses that the American people have the greatest amount of cash in their hands of any time in their history. A report dated May 2, revealed a total of over twenty-six billion dollars in circulation. This is not news to any­ one. It is common knowledge that be­ cause of defense wages and profits the average citizen has unprecedented funds at his disposal. The regrettable part is that so little finds its way into the Lord’s service. ♦ An excellent broadcast being heard along the Pacific Coast is that of Dr. Arthur I. Brown, entitled, "Miracles of Science.” Dr. Brown has an unique and convincing method of reaching the mind and heart which particu­ larly appeals to young people. His approach is by means of natural science. He sets forth the amazing miracles of God’s world from which he proceeds to draw a spiritual les­ son. Although this broadcast origi­ nates in Portland, Oregon, it may be heard over a member of, other Pacific Coast stations., ’ ( Continued on Page 276)

A recent decision by the United States Supreme Court strikes another blow at easy divorce. The occasion was a North Carolina case in which the Supreme Court upheld a decision that six weeks in Neyada did not constitute bona fide residence.- For decades t h e r e as been a steady movement toward easier divorce, but this ruling will do something to check its progress. We wish that all of our legislators were convinced that the principles, taught in the Word of God regarding family life were the only safe foundation for a strong country. ♦ The "cost of the war, if it were rep­ resented by dollar bills laid end to end, would reach from the earth to the planet Venus. It is more than the en­ tire expenditure of the United States from its beginning to the outset of this war. While it is impossible to ex­ press in miniature three hundred bil­ lions, we certainly get the impression that it is a stupendous sum, incom­ prehensible to the average man. On the other hand, there is 'a per­ tinent finance item to the effect that religious contributions have reached a low ebb. There is nc question but that these two facts have a Connec­ tion; the best i n s u r a n c e against spending money for World War III would be to spend it in the propaga­ tion of the Gospel. ♦ We understand from ate dispatches that the chairman of the War Pro­ duction Board has announced another holiday for the distilling industry to replenish its s t o c k s of liquor for general distribution. This is allowed in spite of the widely understood fact that their products will continue to debauch hurpan lives, undermine the health of our citizens, weaken our moral fiber and certainly hurt our war industry. On the other hand, up to the present writing, the ban on gatherings and conventions has not been lifted. The reason given for this is of course

The story of the military chaplains of this war is thrilling. Hardly a week goes by that we do not hear of exploits "above and beyond the call of duty” on the part of these men of God. The latest figures reveal that 105 chap­ lains have died in the line of duty since Pearl Harbor, w h i l e 14 are rnissing in action and 42 have been detained by the enemy. Time and time again it has been demonstrated that the duty of the chaplain is to minister to his men without regard to the personal d a n g e r involved. Surely such heroism should have the prayer support of all of God’s people. ♦ In a recent issue

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