King's Business - 1945-07

July, 1945

Our Readers Speak “ I wish to tell you how much I enjoyed the Apc^l number of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. It is fairly .pulsating with new, vital life, If issues similar to this one açe continuing, I wish to enter subscriptions for one year for the following three per­ sons . . Miss Evelyn Rosenberg Wilson Creek, Wash. “ I think THE KING'S BUSINESS is the best paper ever published on Sunday School lessons. I wouldn’t give it for any I ever read. I don’t want to do without it.” «J. D. Vinson Demorest, Ga. “ While renewing, my Subscriptions, I wish to express high appreciation for the changes and additions as to the contents, arrange­ ment and appearance of THE KING’S BUSINESS.” St. Petersburg, Fla. Dr. Samuel B. Harris “ I am thankful for the way in which Biola makes it possible for servicemen to receive THE KING’S BUSINESS free,, of charge. I guarantee you that each issue is read eagerly from cover to cover.” Wilbur E. Stenstrom, Engr. Tng. Sec. A.S.F.T.C., Fort Lewis, Wash. “ I enjoy THE KING’S BUSINESS more than any magazine I have ever taken.” Mrs. H. B. Cravens Utica, Ky. “ I have been a reader for several years and do enjoy its contents very much. May God richly bless and sustain you in your noble work for Him.” Mrs. Alma Hopkins Long Beach, Calif. •‘The magazine is much improved. The last issue is wonderful.” Miss Margaret Tate Erie, Pa. “ We like the article in the May KING’S BUSINESS about the work among the youth of the South, and believe this movement is what will save America from the fate of the dictator nations if it gets around soon enough.” Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bevan Cameron, W. Va. “ I was much interested in your article on tract distribution in the May KING’S BUSINESS. . . . My work is in a public office . where there is an excellent opppr- tunity to _hand out- tracts . . . Our son overseas is a Christian and I would like to send tracts to him to give out to his soldier companions.” Mrs. Arthur Smith Gentry, Ark. “ Our colored students have been greatly blessed by their reading of THE KING’S BUSINESS . . . . We certainly do appre­ ciate the interest in reaching these needy Negroes for Christ.” Southern Bible Training School Dallas, Tex. “ I enjoy reading its inspiring pages. It is indeed refreshing to read the pure, un­ adulterated gospel message that ever gives one an uplift in these days of prophecies being fulfilled.” Anna M. Hirscher Portland, Ore. “ The cover of the June issue of your magazine was quite a' surprise, seeing the same picture as on the May issue, but with a different color. I not only look forward to the contents of THE KING'S BUSINESS, but also to the attractiveness of the cover which heretofore was so varied and inter­ esting.” Sir! Ottoson

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