King's Business - 1945-07

July, 1945


III. J acob ’ s B a rg a in in g W it h G od (vs. 20-22) From his birth, when he uncon­ sciously tried to supplant his brother, Jacob seems to have been a trickster, ever trying to get the best of others. Instead of feeding his brother Esau when he was hungry, he bargained with him for the birthright; and he defrauded him in the matter of the blessing which belonged to the head of the family (cf. Gen. 25:24-34;27:6- 29). Even at this point, instead of ac­ cepting the prpmise of God at its face value, and relying upon God to make good His word, he proposed to bargain. God had assured him, “I am with thee,” but Jacob said, “ If God will be with me.” He implied that if God would keep His word, he would com­ ply with His wishes. Jacob ever re­ mained a bargainer even after his name was changed to Israel, never having confidence in the word of any­ one, not even in God’s word. His own crookedness was disclosed in every deal he made. But Jacob vowed that if God would keep His word, He should be his God. God knew what Jacob was, but in spite of that He chose him; Jacob knew what God was, but in spite of that, he felt obliged to put God to the test. When Jacob set up the stone, he agreed that in return for God’s keeping His word to him, he would return one tenth of whatever the Lord gave him. There is a subtle danger in a certain kind of tithing today akin to the bargaining of Jacob! Long afterward, in order to get Jacob moved out of Haran, the Lord had to remind him of this vow. Even then Jacob resorted to the habit of schem­ ing and stole away from Haran as if he were a thief and a robber (cf. Gen. 31:3, 13, 20). New VICTORIOUS HYMNS Compiled by Oswald J. Smith, B. D. Ackley, Music Editor. “ One of the finest collections in existence —-Homer Rodeheaver. The best of the old and the most popular of the new. An ideal song book for evangelistic campaigns, Bible con­ ferences and Young People’s meetings. It contains such new numbers as “Then Jesus Came,” “God Under­ stands,” “He Rose Triumphantly,” “The Glory of His Presence,” “With Thy Spirit Fill Me,” etc. Sample copy, words and music, with art cover, 25c. Special price on quan­ tities. Supplies in both the U.S.A. and Canada. Order today. You will be de­ lighted with these solos, duets and con­ gregational numbers. THE PEOPLES PRESS 100 Blear East, Torsnto 5, Canada

LESSON FOR AUGUST 19 Recognizing God’s Presence LESSON MATERIAL: Genesis 28:10-22. GOLDEN T E X T : “The Lord Is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth" (Psa. 145:18). Outline and Exposition I. J acob ’ s V ision from G od ( G en . 28:10-15) J ACOB had to flee from his home arranged for him to go to her family at Haran to escape the danger. On his way night overtook him and he lay down to sleep with a stone for his pillow (vs. 10, 11). While Jacob slept, the Lord ap­ peared to him in a vision and reiter­ ated the promises made to Abraham and to Isaac. He declared that the land would be Jacob’s; that his seed would be multiplied; and that in his seed all the families of the earth should be blessed. This choice of Jacob above Esau was in the sovereign election of grace, but their subsequent history revealed the wisdom of God’s choice. Jacob’s character was changed by the Lord; Esau’s remained un­ altered. Long afterward He stated, “I loved Jacob; but Esau I hated” or ‘‘loved less” (cf. Mai. 1:2, 3, R. V.). Then the Lord gave Jacob assurance that the promise would be fulfilled (v.15), and that He would be with him wherever he went. He would en­ joy God’s protection in all circum­ stances; His providences would work on his behalf; and the presence of God would abide with him,until all He had promised was fulfilled. II. J acob ' s R ecognition of G od - (vs. 16-19) Waking out of sleep, Jacob realized that God had been speaking to him. Knowing his own sinfulness and the righteousness of God, he ‘‘was afraid,” and said, “How dreadful is this place.” Sinfulness may not be noticed in the presence of men, but when God draws near, His holiness condemns even the best. But in spite of his dread, Jacob, worshiped God (vs. 18, 19). He set up the very stone he had used for a pillow and ‘‘poured oil upon it,” thus sanctifying it as an altar, and so real was God’s presence that he said, “this is the gate of heaven.” Then he changed the name of the place from Luz to Bethel, meaning “the house of God” (marg.).

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