King's Business - 1945-07



Perhaps these cards, if placed in the envelopes, will give meaning to the words. We place the first in the envelope with “J” on it and read, “UNJUSTLY PLANNED, DECE I T - FULLY STOLE BLESSING.” That is what Jacob did. With the second card in the e n v e l o p e , we read, “UN­ FORGOTTEN TRICKERY AGAINST BROTHER.” No wonder Jacob had fear. Next we read, “FEARED RE­ SULTS ESAU’S PUNISHMENT.” That is the reason he feared his brother. The fourth tells us that he “OFFERED PRAYER, I MP L O R I NG THE AL­ MIGHTY.” That is a good thing to do when afraid. As we place the fifth card in its envelope, we read, “BE­ CAME REPENTANT , FORGIVEN, NAMED ISRAEL.” This short history of Jacob’s life should remind us that those who turn to God in faith are forgiven and changed. A twelve-year-old lad was given a tract, which he accept­ ed with such alacrity that the Christian worker endeavored to lead him to an acceptance of Christ as his Saviour. When he did not succeed, this worker be­ came so discouraged that he gave up all Christian service and years of wasted life fol­ lowed. One day he was handed a tract. As he took it, he re­ marked, “ I, too, used to do this kind of work.” He then related his discouraging experience. To his amazement he learned that the one now ministering to him was none other than that very lad, who, after leaving him, read the tract in his room and was saved! “ Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6 :9 ). PROPHETIC BOOK SPECIAL 3 50c Books— C 4k With this Adv................ * A (1) “ Biblical Prophecy” —New topical arrangement of Bible prophecies by Dr. Keith L. Brooks. (2) “ T i m e I y Prophetic Considera­ tions,” vital studies by Drs. Farr, Kellogg, Brooks. (3) ‘‘Prophecies of t h e Epistles,” timely expositions by Dr. Brooks. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. Box BB.Sia. Eagle Rock, Loi Angeles 41

The next color is white, telling of the purity which is given to those who have received Christ as Saviour (Psa. 51:7). Following this we see yel­ low, representing the golden streets of the heavenly city. If we accept Christ as Saviour, we will some day walk on the golden Streets. Now you can see why I call this the world’s longest l a d d e r , because it reaches from the sins' of earth to Heaven.

Bible in the Mews (Continued from Page 25.4)

Ex-President Hoover, whose home is in Palo Alto, California, for a pumber of years has been collecting material for a great peace library. This now includes some 100,000 books, 1450 manuscripts, nearly 10,000 magazines and newspapers, and 300,000 feet of movie film with complete documen­ tary history of the League of Nations and many other historic conferences. The purpose behind this huge under­ taking is to present to the world a record of its past failures in keeping the peace, with the hope that these failures may not be repeated. We wonder if Mr. Hoover fully un­ derstands that the fundamental cause of conflict is the all important fact that the hearts of unregenerate men are at war with God and- therefore can never be at peace with one an­ other. ♦ In a recent survey we note that the annual salaries of 91% of the preachers in this country are less than $2,500 a year, and half of these receive less than $1200 per year. On the other hand, only slightly over 1% were paid salaries of $5,000 or more. Certainly the ministry is not an overpaid pro­ fession, and those who desire to enter it need to be certain of the call of God. ♦ The Student Foreign Missions Fel­ lowship has proposer that, at the close of the war, a missionary service ban­ ner with stars for all the soldiers of the Cross replace the service f l a g s which now hang in so many of our churches. Its purpose will be to pro. mote interest in missions and to re­ mind Christians to pray for those on the “firing line.” ♦ A new note in television was sound­ ed on March 31, 1945, when the Na­ tional B r o a d c a s t i n g Corporation, through its television station WNBT, televised a religious pageant entitled, “The Story of Easter.” This opens a wide field for religious broadcasters and should suggest immediate plans for the future. The most efficient preparation will have to be made in order to produce programs acceptable to the public. ♦ The "Best Seller" movement con­ tinues to enlarge and spread to new communities. This idea, born in the minds of some Christian cartoonists, consists of placing excellently drawn posters containing Scripture verses on trains, street cars, billboards and other public places where servicemen con­ gregate. In Los Angeles the local com­ mittee has placed such cards- in two thousand street cars.

Fourth Week A S ure C ure

Objects: Five correspondence cards and envelopes. (Cut a slot in the center front of each envelope % x 3 inches, lengthwise. Seal and cut an end off of. each envelope. Hinge to­ gether, side by side, using mending tape. The free ends should open up­ ward. Write “J” near the top end of the first, “A” on the second, “C” on the third, “O” on the fourth, and “B” on the fifth. With the cards in the envelopes, write, where the cards show through the slots, one of the follow­ ing words vertically on each card, “JACOB,” “FEAR,” “ESAU,” “FAITH” and “ANGEL.” Using the word “JAC­ OB” on the first card, writing on the envelope, complete the following words, “UNJUSTLY PLANNED, DE­ CEITFULLY STOLE BLESSING.” Using the word “FEAR” on the second card, w r i t e “UNFORGOTTEN TRICKERY AGAINST BROTHER.” On the next, us­ ing the word “ESAU” write “FEARED RESULTS E S A U ’ S PUNISHMENT.” Complete the words, “O F F E R ED P RA Y ER I MP L O R I NG THE ALMIGHTY” on the fourth, using the word “FAITH.” With the word “AN­ GEL” on the fifth, finish, “BECAME REPENTANT, FORGIVEN, NAMED IS­ RAEL.” ) Lesson: I hold in my hand five cards which tell us about an im­ portant person in history. The first gives his name, “JACOB.” The second tells of “FEAR,” the third the name of his brother “ESAU,” the fourth, “FAITH,” and the fifth, “ANGEL.” Are you wondering how these words fit into the life of Jacob? These envelopes hinged together give us the history of Jacob’s life. They appear to have only a jumble of parts of words.

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