King's Business - 1945-07


THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NG ' S . * Does it Pay?

In this day of education, in this time of intensity, with necessity and urgency laid upon us to labor mightily for the cause of Christ,--------does Bible Institute training pay, -------- is it important,---------is it vital?

Read this sincere testimony of Rev. Percy 8. Crawford* O.D. Pastor Young1People’s Church of the Air President King’s College


Graduate Bible Institute of Los Angeles 1926

Percy B. Crawford

“I am happy to give you the following tes­ timony for good old ‘Biola’ : “I attended the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and from there entered the University of Califor- nia, then to Wheaton College. Following that I spent three years in Westminster Seminary and then took my graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. As I look back over the years, I value the instruction and the love for souls I received at ‘Biola’ more than anything else in my life. Not only were the Scriptures impressed upon my mind, but I received along with it a real

spiritual blessing—a filling of the Spirit of God —which has stood by me throughout these years. “I now have four boys of my own and by God’s grace, I am going to insist on their attending Bible School at least somewhere and trust they will get out of it the blessing I got out of ‘Biola’. Personally, I think one of the finest investments a person can make is to keep the doors of this won­ derful school open. The Institute is able to offer to -young men and women wonderful blessings only if we are loyal to it and support it with our prayers and with our gifts. I am 100% behind this great institution.”

By God’s grace, the fall term of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will open September 4, at which time it is estimated that more than 800 earnest young people will enroll for training. As tuition is free, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be responsible for the expense of this training which is approximately $125 .00 per student per year. Many of God’s stewards undertake the cost of training one or more students. W e are asking God to lay it upon the hearts of 800 of His faithful ones to aid us in this labor of love.

For further information please address all communications to: THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ÁNGELES Incorporated

558 S. Hope St.

Los Angeles 13, California

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