King's Business - 1945-07

July; 1945


LastingValues for Your Library

Providing I n s p i r a t i o n and Help for You t h L e a d e r s Around the World

VOUTH FOR CHRIST J W w W Torrey M. Johnson, Chairman channel for service to help establish and maintain YOUTH FOR CHRIST meet­ ings In your community. ^Members of the International full-time staff will assist your local YOUTH FOR CHRIST groups by suggesting speakers, talent, and by providing bulletins, con­ fidential news letters, etc. ^Goals for 1945 are: YOUTH FOR CHRIST In every state In the union. 1,000 Sat­ urday night meetings for youth with attendance of 1,000,000.

Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown’s Commentary on the Whole Bible The finest one volume mentary available. 6om-$4.95 The Bearing of Archeology On the Old Testament George L. Robinson A source book of information to all students of the Old Testa­ ment. The Magnificence of Jesus Harry Rimmer A textbook on Chrlstology giv- _ _ ing evidences to uphold the fact y of His Deity. M a u ^ \ J Manna In the Morning C. E. Fuller & J . E. Wright Extracts from the sermons o Chas. Ê . Puller and others ar 1.75

Write today for further infor­ mation and free literature to


North Wells SI., Chicago 6

“ Towards the Winning of Youth fo r Christ’’ EVANGELIST AND GOSPEL SINGER FRANK FORD JELSMA of NEW YORK CITY “ A Young Man ivilh a Message' and Testimony for Young People” INSPIRATIONAL SONG LEADER— SINCERE SINGER O ur m in is try is on fa ith , tru stin g G od fo r o u r ev e ry n eed. W e tru st G o d ’s W o rd a n d H is prom ises; therefore, we ran com e to your church, regardless o f size o f offerin gs. W e m in iste r w h e re oth ers d o n ot g o, o u r m essa ge is sim p le a n d to th e p o in t, illu stra te d by large e o lo re d ch arts. Available for Conferences. Campaigns and Churches OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS IN THE MIDWEST AND WEST COAST BEGINNING AUGUST 15 THROUGH DECEMBER 15. ADDRESS ALL MAIL . . . 163 NORTH 7 TH ST.. PATERSON 2. NEW JERSEY


ranged as daily readings, 212 Victory Poems Clifford Lewis A useful arrangement of poems both fam iliar and new.


The Missionary & Anthropology Gordon H. Smith

•Shows the importance o f An­ thropology for missionaries and stimulates interest in the sub­ ject. | Talking Visuals Elmer Wilder



Sight sermons on Sin, Salvation, Separation and Service, using fam iliar objects. A Very Present Help A Tribute To the Faithfulness Of God Lt. Gen. Sir Wm. Dobbie The defender of Malta bears witness to the fact that “ God | y k Was With US,“ i •Mm J 1.25 The Leathernecks Come Through Chaplain W . Wyeth Willard Experiences from Guadalcanal to Tarawa pictured through the eyes o f a minister o f the gospel. 2 .50

A new movable, realistic, picture method of tell­ ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class, you’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and they V clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching to—

1 /


Dept. K, P. O. B ox 145 . Pasadena, Calif.

Do not fail to read the Editorial on Bible Institutes on Page 246

Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery Man of Prayer Mel Larson A great figure of W orld W ar II who “ said his prayers in his desert tent and quoted the Bible

BIBLES TO RUSSIA! Evangelist Grickman reports from Belgium: 21 Internment Camps visited

| j C u •Ms J

to his troops.”

Thousands of Russian Scriptures distributed. 2000 Ukrainian hymn books printed and sent to Ukraine to meet request. Converts in camps hold services. Repatriated Russians carry Scriptures to their own land. Ask for free copy of “The Friend of Russians” with details. Pray and send gifts for this immeasurable ministry to Dr. F. J. Miles, 'f'crnational Secretary THE RUSSIAN MISS.ONARY SOCIETY, Inc, 1844 W. Monroe St., Roam 2, Chicago, 12, lii.

Customers in California Add State Sales Tax BI0L11 BOOK ROOM (C. E. Andrew) 560 S. Hope St. Los Angeles IS

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