King's Business - 1945-07

F reedom T o L earn ADD to the four freedoms, please, a fifth—freedom to learn. This is the rightful heritage of any Amer­ ican boy. Through books—access to the thoughts of great men of all ages. Through personal contact with inspiring teachers—guidance in the interpretation of facts of his­ tory, the discoveries of science, and, above all, the written Word of God. Lincoln studied by the light o f a pine knot. Stony Brook boys, living in comfortable, but not luxurious quarters, have the advantage of modern equipment, good books, able masters. Because of conditions con­ ducive to learning, Stony Brook boys have made an enviable record in college and in the professions. Boys now in school are preparing for the armed services and for in­ telligent Christian leadership in the postwar world. For a catalogue of the J l k School , address the A J Headmaster q / t o n y B r o o k J c h o o l Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D., Headmaster, Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please mention Kingfs Business

1 BIBLICAL—ABGS lessons are based squarely on. the I • Word of God. Young America wants THE TRUTH. 2 ATTRACTIVE—TheWorship Servicesforeachdepart- • mentarecorrelatedwiththelessons.Thus,you canmake the whole Sunday School hour vital and attractive. 3 DRAMATIC—The manual provided for the pupil • dramatizes the lesson on Sunday and all through the week with picture..., charts and puzzles. 4 INTERESTING—Graded lessons insure keenest pupil- • interest because Bible portions selected are most suitable for the various age groups. 5 PICTORIAL —The visual aids available for ABGS • lessons make the Word live in the hearts and minds of young America. The ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES is designed for five departments: Beginner, Primary,Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Teachers’ manuals, 25 cents each; pupils’ manuals, 12 cents each; visual aids, $1 a set. Address Dept. KB -75

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B E AU T I F U L SONG S in musical settings never before available in Gospel music! They are based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, written by persons whose names are familiar in the Gospel field and ar­ ranged by outstanding «radio arrangers. SONGS THAT TOUCH THE SOUL reveal the beauty of Christ and make the lost yearn for the foldP SUPERB for women's voices, trio or chorus. Ideal for soloists. . DO NOT NEGLECT this opportunity to help your church, revival campaign, or radio program.

The Holy Bible! It’s always meant a lot to us —helped us stand up against life’s hardest knocks. We wanted to have a real share in giving it to other folks. Then someone told us about the American Bible Society’s Annuity Plan and we discov­ ered how we could do something fine for the Old Book and at the same time protect our income for the future. Those checks from the Society have never failed to arrive on time—and they’re gener­ ous too. Besides—they’re, backed up by the Society’s nearly 100 years of experience in writing annuity agreements. Why not send the coupon today and learn how this Plan can fit your needs and at the same time help to further the distribution of theWord throughout the world. M A I L THE C O U P O N T OD A Y

A high school student . . . who really knows her Bible Sure she’s popular . . . on the go from morning till night. But she wanted to master her Bible, too. So she enrolled in the Scripture Truth Course . . . “ I have been helped greatly by taking this course. I feel I have a better under­ standing of God and His Word” Young or old, systematic Bible study with a Moody home study course will give you a brighter vision of the future . . . because you know God’s Word. For details write Dept.. K823

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