King's Business - 1945-07


The Bible Institute

Is Here t© Stay

The Rise of Bible Schools S HORTLY before the turn of the century, the movement known as “Destructive Criticism” in a very marked way was making inroads into Christian circles throughout this country. The tides of materialistic and humanistic philosophies were rising high and threatening to engulf not only the churches of our land but the schools and colleges where our church leaders were trained. God’s answer to this danger seemed to be the "Bible Institute” movement. If the seminaries of the land were to spawn men who avowed disbelief in the scriptures as the Word of God, then God would raise up another source of providing heralds of His truth. So it was that the Bible In­ stitute was born—simple in organi­ zation but mighty in potentiality. Here were presented opportunities not only for the would-be pastor or mis­ sionary volunteer but also for the or­ dinary layman. The years have proved the value of the “Bible Institute” movement, and today, viewing the work of the past fifty years, we are more than ever convinced as to the stability of the place which the Bible Institute under God has made for itself. Today we are seeing the inception and growth of numbers of distinctly Bible' colleges and Bible seminaries. Dbes the coming of these mean an end ti> the Bible Institute? We feel that the answer is “No,” for Bible insti­ tutes fill a place in God’s economy which is botl\ unique and elemental in- the matter of Christian education. For Lay Personnel Most of the Bible Institutes of the country are open to those who have merely a high school education or less. Some of these young people have no intention of continuing higher learn­ ing, and yet there is in their hearts a desire for some systematic training in the truths of the Word of God. Some are hampered by circumstances or hindered by financial stringency. Where will such folks go in order to obtain the desired knowledge of God’s Word? The ranks of the Bible Institute have from the very first been filled with this class.

Emphasis on English Bible It is written in the very name of the Bible Institute that the chief text­ book is the Word of God itself . Col­ leges offer a liberal arts education with subjects intended fully to round out the education and experience of the student. He is to be fitted for the various tasks and contacts of life. In some colleges a course in the Bible is offered, but the ratio is al­ ways many to one. On the other hand, in the Bible Institute, the ratio is reversed. To be sure, there may be some deserved criticism that the Bible Institute student lacks certain types of knowledge, but it can be affirmed that he does know his Bible. The courses he has studied during his years in Bible school are calculated to make him feel absolutely at home within the pages of the sacred scrip­ tures. Missionary Spirit It is no secret that the missionary boards look to the graduates of our Bible institutes for their candidates. The reason is patent. There missionary zeal has always found fertile ground. Prayer has been stressed and practiced, and in answer to believing prayer God has furnished a deep and fervent love for the cause of missions; Mis­ sionary statesmen always include the Bible Institutes in their itineraries, and the results are indeed gratifying. Scores, of earnest young people with their faces toward the light say, “Here am I, Lord, send me.” Practical Experience A feature of the first Bible Institute, which is still In existence, is its em­ phasis upon the practical experience. Not only are students taught the theory of personal evangelism, but opportunities for them to practice what they have learned are offered. Each student is given regular assign­ ment where he may grow in grace by doing, and where he may see the practical result of the preaching of the imperishable Word. This produces strong Christians who are fortified for later ministry. The Bible Institute is Here to Stay We pray God’s richest blessing upon

the Christian college and the seminary which stands true, but there are things obtainable in the Bible In­ stitute which cannot be found in either of these two worthy institutions. Together we work for God—each one complementing- the ministry of the other; each one adding his own parti­ cular part to the complete training of the Christian soldier. Of competi­ tion let there be none; of cooperation let there be much, as together we strive to tell the name of Christ to many eager hearts who shall in turn speed the story to the ends of the earth. World's Cries Today is the hour of destiny for civilization. The world cries out in its agony and need. Whether or not there will be even a temporary peace on earth will be largely determined by the measure of missionary alert­ ness on the. part of the Church of Jesus Christ. More than the average Christian realizes, the missionary zeal of Christendom is born and nurtured by the Bible Institutes of the land. So the world challenges the Church, and the Church challenges the Bible Institutes. Notwithstanding the un­ concealed disdain of some persons, Bible Institutes hold a most strategic place in meeting the world’s need. God grant that the stream of eager, idealistic and Bible-trained young people may grow into a mighty river, carrying the blessed \yater of life to multitudes of thirsty souls. The Bible Institute is here to stay. God’s blessing and favor have been evident in a very marked way in the past. The challenge of the hour is greater than ever before. Pray with us tha‘ we may be found faithful, and in the center of the will of God in the stirring days which lie ahead.

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