A Holistic Approach to Recovery in BIPOC Communities
Enhancing Growth and Capacity in Addiction Treatment through Innovation, Inclusivity, and Integrated Care
Navigating the Complexities of Addiction in Older Adults: Tailored Prevention, Treatment, and Support for a Frequently Overlooked Demographic
Addiction Treatment for Returning Citizens: The Complexities of Reentry and Recovery
O ur mission is to ensure that prevention, intervention, treatment and re-entry services are available and accessible to all Montgomery County Residents, with a primary focus to the African American, Hispanic/Latino and underserved population.
UMADAOP DAYTON Call: 937.276.2176 Or Visit: 1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Reframing Mental Health: Suicide Prevention
Navigating the Complexities of Addiction in Older Adults
N avigating the C omplexities of A ddiction in O lder A dults : Tailored Prevention, Treatment, and Support for a Frequently Overlooked Demographic
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 5 937.276.2176
Navigating the Complexities of Addiction in Older Adults: Tailored Prevention, Treatment, and Support for a Frequently Overlooked Demographic
T he prevalence of substance misuse among older adults presents a growing concern in the United States. Baby boomers, defined as individuals born between 1946 and 1964, constitute a significant portion of the population, accounting for approx- imately 30% of the demographic. Contrary to common assumptions, this demographic cohort has shown a higher inclination towards illicit drug use, often accompanied by permissive attitudes towards such substances. Numerous risk factors contribute to drug abuse among senior citizens, including social isolation resulting from the loss of spouses or significant others, retirement, and challenges related to transportation and mobility. Chronic illnesses, especially those involving persistent pain, further exacerbate the vulnerability of older adults to substance misuse. Moreover, stress, which can be prevalent in this age group due to various life transitions, adds another layer of complexity to the issue.
In the realm of prescription medication, older adults face unique challenges compared to their younger counterparts. Statistics reveal that around 80% of older adults man-
age chronic medical conditions, leading them to receive over one- third of all prescriptions. Shockingly, this demographic utilizes these medications at more than twice the rate of younger in- dividuals, highlighting the complexity of managing multiple health conditions simultaneously. The interplay of various medical conditions, intricate medication regimens, and involvement with numerous healthcare providers in-
creases the likelihood of adverse drug reactions, errors in medication intake, drug dependence, and even theft of prescribed opioids, particularly by younger family members (American Addiction Centers).
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Recognizing these concerning trends, there is an urgent call for tailored drug abuse prevention education programs targeting older adults to address the multifaceted risk factors they encounter. Such initiatives aim to raise awareness about the specific challenges faced by this demo- graphic and provide practical strategies for mitigating the risks associ- ated with substance misuse. Amidst these challenges, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of early intervention and holistic support systems for older adults struggling with substance misuse. By offering specialized prevention and treatment services geared towards the unique needs of this demo- graphic, communities can work towards building a safer and healthier environment for older adults.
The complexities of addiction in older adults un- derscore the necessity for proactive measures to prevent, treat, and support this frequently over- looked demographic. Through targeted educa- tion, tailored interventions, and collaborative efforts between healthcare professionals, caregivers, and community organizations,
it is possible to navigate the challenges posed by substance misuse among old- er adults and pave the way for a brighter and healthier future for this vulnerable population.
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Enhancing Growth and Capacity in Addiction Treatment
E nhancing G rowth and C apacity in A ddiction T reatment through I nnovation , I nclusivity , and I ntegrated C are
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 9 937.276.2176
Enhancing Growth and Capacity in Addiction Treatment through Innovation, Inclusivity, and Integrated Care
A s the landscape of addiction treatment continues to evolve, the imperative to foster increasing growth and capacity within this critical domain has gained unprecedented significance. Nurturing the expansion of treatment resources, enhancing clinical expertise, and fortifying support systems are pivotal in ensuring that individuals grappling with addiction receive comprehen- sive, compassionate, and effective care. The journey towards increasing growth and capacity within addiction treatment encompasses a multifaceted approach that encompasses various dimensions of care, education, and advocacy. Empowering addiction treatment facilities to expand their capacity for delivering evidence-based interventions, personalized care plans, and integrated support services is fundamental to meeting the diverse and evolving needs of individuals seeking recovery. Fostering a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and professional development within addiction treatment settings is indispensable in elevating the standard of care and addressing the complex challenges posed by substance use disorders. Equip- ping healthcare professionals with opportunities for specialized training, interdisciplinary collaboration, and ongoing education not only cultivates clinical expertise but also ensures that treatment approaches remain responsive to emerging research and best practices. Fortifying the infrastructure and resources of addiction treatment facilities is essential in bolstering their ability to accommo- date a growing demand for care. Investing in state-of-the-art treatment modalities, leveraging technology to streamline service delivery, and optimizing operational efficiency all contribute to enhancing the capacity of addiction treatment centers to meet the evolving needs of their clientele. Embracing a trauma-informed framework within addiction treatment is instrumental in cultivating an environment that rec- ognizes and addresses the profound impact of trauma on individuals with substance use disorders. Integrating trauma-specific interventions, fostering environments of safety and empowerment, and prioritizing the well-being of both clients and staff are central tenets of creating treatment spaces that honor the dignity and resilience of those on the path to recovery.
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Strengthening the continuum of care for individuals in recovery involves establishing robust linkages with community resourc- es, mental health services, and social support networks. By forging collaborative partnerships and referral pathways, addiction treatment settings can play a pivotal role in facilitating seamless transitions for individuals as they navigate various stages of their recovery journey, thereby enhancing the sustainability and efficacy of their treatment outcomes. The intersection of mental health and addiction underscores the importance of integrating dual diagnosis treatment approaches that address co-occurring conditions with sensitivity and expertise. Nurturing the growth of integrated treatment models that simultaneously attend to mental health and substance use disorders is paramount in providing comprehensive care that ac- knowledges the interconnected nature of these challenges. Cultivating a culture of inclusivity, equity, and cultural competence within addiction treatment settings is essential in fostering environments where individuals from diverse backgrounds feel seen, heard, and valued. By embracing diversity, eliminating barriers to care, and personalizing interventions to resonate with the unique needs of each individual, treatment facilities can significantly enhance their capacity to serve a broad spectrum of clients with empathy and efficacy. In our collective commitment to increasing growth and capacity within addiction treatment, it is imperative to advocate for pol- icies, funding, and initiatives that prioritize the expansion of treatment resources and the elevation of care standards. By ampli- fying awareness, nurturing partnerships, and championing the vital role of addiction treatment in promoting public health and well-being, we can lay the groundwork for a future where every individual grappling with addiction receives the compassionate, comprehensive, and effective care they deserve.
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Complexity of Lupus
C omplexity of L upus : Navigating the Enigmatic Challenges and Pursuing Empathetic Support
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 13 937.276.2176
Complexity of Lupus:
Navigating the Enigmatic Challenges and Pursuing Empathetic Support
L upus, often referred to as the cruel mystery, is a complex and enigmatic autoimmune disease that poses significant challeng- es for those affected by its debilitating symptoms. This condition manifests as inflammation throughout the body, as a result of the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissues and cells, leading to widespread damage and pain. The insidious nature of lupus lies in its ability to affect various parts of the body, from the skin and joints to internal organs, presenting a diverse array of symptoms that can be both unpredictable and distressing. One of the defining characteristics of lupus is its status as an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body's immune system turns against itself, causing harm and disruption to normal bodily functions. This aspect contributes to the complexity of lu- pus, as it involves a wide range of symptoms and manifestations, making it challenging to diagnose and manage effectively. The prevalence of lupus is also notable, with women being disproportionately affected compared to men, shedding light on the gender-specific nature of the disease. Individuals living with lupus face the daunting task of managing its unpredictable and often severe symptoms, which can include joint pain, fatigue, skin rashes, and even kidney complications. The impact of lupus extends beyond physical symptoms, as it can significantly affect mental and emotional well-being, adding another layer of complexity to the overall experience of living with this condition. The chronic and unpredictable nature of lupus presents a formidable challenge for those navigating its daily realities, requiring resilience and adaptability in the face of its relentless demands.
Research into lupus has yielded promising developments, offering hope for improved understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of this complex disease. Recent studies have identified genetic factors that may contribute to the onset of lupus, shedding light on
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the underlying mechanisms driving the im- mune system's aberrant behavior. These in- sights pave the way for targeted approaches to better manage and potentially prevent the development of lupus, offering a glimmer of hope for those impacted by its far-reaching effects. In addition to genetic factors, environmen- tal triggers are believed to play a role in the development and exacerbation of lupus. Understanding and mitigating these trig- gers can provide valuable opportunities for managing the disease and improving the quality of life for individuals grappling with its challenges. Furthermore, advancements in medical research and technology have en- abled healthcare professionals to explore in- novative therapies and interventions aimed at addressing the diverse symptoms and complexities associated with lupus.
The journey of living with lupus is marked by resilience, perseverance, and the pursuit of a better quality of life despite its for- midable challenges. The support and understanding of healthcare providers, family members, and the broader community play a crucial role in empowering individuals affected by lupus to navigate its uncertainties with strength and determination. Cultivating awareness and empathy for those living with lupus can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment, fostering a sense of solidarity and understanding for those impacted by this intricate disease. The cruel mystery of lupus continues to pose formidable challenges for those affected by its complex and diverse manifes- tations. By fostering greater awareness, understanding, and support for individuals living with lupus, we can contribute to a more empathetic and inclusive environment that acknowledges the unique struggles and resilience of those navigating the uncertainties of this enigmatic autoimmune disease. Through ongoing research, advocacy, and compassionate care, we can strive to illuminate the path towards improved management and ultimately, a brighter future for those living with lupus.
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ADULT PROGRAMS: • Health & Wellness • Creating Lasting Family Connections • Outpatient Treatment • Recovery Support Services YOUTH PROGRAMS: • Ohio Violence Prevention Program • Aiming High SENIOR PROGRAMS: • Elder Care-W.I.S.E.
Addiction Treatment for Returning Citizens
A ddiction T reatment for R eturning C itizens : The Complexities of Reentry and Recovery
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 19 937.276.2176
Addiction Treatment for Returning Citizens: The Complexities of Reentry and Recovery
R eturning citizens face a myriad of challenges as they strive to reintegrate into society, and for those grappling with addiction, the barriers to accessing treatment can be particularly formidable. The journey from incarceration back to community life is rife with obstacles, and when compounded by the complexities of addiction, the path to recovery becomes even more arduous. Understanding and addressing the unique barriers confronting returning citizens seeking addiction treatment is crucial in fostering support and facilitating successful reentry into society. One of the primary barriers for returning citizens seeking addiction treatment is the stigma and discrimination asso- ciated with both a history of incarceration and substance use. The societal perceptions and prejudices surrounding these experiences can create significant hurdles, impeding individuals from seeking the help they need. Overcoming the fear of judgment and rejection is an essential step in empowering returning citizens to access the vital support
and resources necessary for their recovery journey. By cultivat- ing a compassionate and non-judgmental environment, we can dismantle these barriers and create pathways for individuals to reclaim their lives free from the shackles of addiction. The transition from incarceration to reentry presents logistical challenges that can hinder access to addiction treatment. Return- ing citizens often encounter barriers related to housing, employ- ment, and healthcare, which are fundamental components of the foundation necessary for sustained recovery. Stable housing and gainful employment lay the groundwork for individuals to re- build their lives, yet navigating these essentials in the aftermath of incarceration can pose significant challenges. Addressing these practical barriers is integral to creating an environment condu- cive to successful recovery and reintegration for returning citi- zens seeking to overcome addiction.
Limited access to comprehensive addiction treatment programs further compounds the barriers facing returning citizens. The
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DAYTON intricacies of addressing addiction within the context of reentry require specialized support that takes into account the unique needs and experiences of individuals transi- tioning from incarceration to community life. However, the availability of such programs may vary, presenting ob- stacles to accessing the specific care and resources essential for sustained recovery. By advocating for and investing in targeted addiction treatment initiatives designed for re- turning citizens, we can surmount this barrier and ensure that individuals receive the comprehensive support neces- sary to thrive beyond the confines of addiction. Mental health challenges often coexist with addiction, amplifying the complexity of the recovery journey for returning citizens. The intersection of mental health and substance use can create additional barriers to accessing treatment, as the dual nature of these struggles necessi- tates a more nuanced and integrated approach to care. Ad- dressing the mental health needs of returning citizens with compassion and expertise is vital in mitigating this barrier, enhancing the prospects for sustained recovery and suc- cessful reintegration into the community.
Navigating the landscape of addiction treatment during reentry requires coordination and collaboration across various sectors, including the criminal justice system, healthcare providers, and community organizations. However, fragmented systems and limited communication between these entities can impede the seamless provision of support, creating barriers to accessing the continuum of care crucial for successful recovery. By fostering greater synergy among stakeholders and streamlining the pro- cess of accessing addiction treatment, we can dismantle this barrier and pave the way for a more cohesive and supportive en- vironment for returning citizens seeking to overcome addiction. The barriers confronting returning citizens seeking addiction treatment are multifaceted and demand a concerted effort to ad- dress and dismantle. By fostering understanding, compassion, and comprehensive support, we can surmount these obstacles and create pathways for successful recovery and reintegration. Empowering returning citizens to access the care they need, free from stigma and logistical hurdles, is essential in realizing a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive beyond the confines of addiction.
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A Holistic Approach to Recovery in BIPOC Communities
A H olistic A pproach to R ecovery in BIPOC C ommunities
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | OH 45417 | 23 937.276.2176 DAYTON
A Holistic Approach to Recovery in BIPOC Communities
T he landscape of addiction treatment within the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community calls for a nuanced understanding of the intersecting factors that shape their experiences and access to comprehensive care. Navigating the complexities of addiction within this diverse demographic necessitates a holistic approach that acknowledges the influence of historical trauma, cultural disparities, and systemic barriers in shaping their journey towards recovery. Historical injustices and intergenerational trauma have indelibly marked the collective experience of BIPOC communities, profoundly impacting their relationship with addiction and recovery. Acknowledging and addressing the enduring legacy of his- torical trauma is pivotal in devising culturally sensitive interventions that honor the unique experiences and healing pathways of individuals within the BIPOC community. Cultural competence lies at the heart of effective addiction treatment within BIPOC communities. Recognizing the diverse cultural backgrounds, belief systems, and healing practices that inform the lived experiences of individuals within this demo- graphic is integral to fostering an environment of trust, respect, and understanding. A culturally informed approach not only validates the rich tapestry of experiences within the BIPOC community but also ensures that treatment modalities resonate with their unique needs and values. The pervasive impact of systemic inequities and disparities in access to healthcare resources further compounds the challenges faced by BIPOC individuals seeking addiction treatment. Overcoming these barriers necessitates a concerted effort to dismantle structural impediments, expand access to affordable and culturally competent care, and cultivate inclusive treatment environ- ments that reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. Language and communication barriers can present formidable obstacles to accessing addiction treatment for non-English speaking BIPOC individuals. Efforts to provide multilingual support, interpreter services, and culturally customized education- al materials are instrumental in bridging these communication gaps and ensuring equitable access to vital addiction treatment resources.
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The intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic factors within the BIPOC community underscores the complexity of their addiction treatment needs. Customizing interventions that account for the unique inter- sections of identity and experience within this diverse demographic is pivotal in fostering inclusive and effective addiction treatment strategies.
Validating and centering the voices and experiences of BIPOC individuals within addiction treatment frameworks is essential in fostering em- powerment, resilience, and self-determination. By amplifying their narratives, addressing the impact of societal marginalization, and cultivating environments of empathy and understanding, we can forge pathways to recovery that honor the dignity and agency of every individual within the BIPOC community.
Community-based support systems play a pivotal role in bol- stering addiction treatment outcomes within the BIPOC community. Cultivating partnerships with community or- ganizations, faith-based institutions, and culturally specific support networks can enrich the continuum of care, pro- viding individuals with the vital resources, mentorship, and belonging essential for sustained recovery. In our unwavering commitment to equitable addiction treatment, it is imperative to advocate for policies and initiatives that address the systemic disparities faced
by BIPOC individuals seeking care. Empowering community-led initiatives, expanding access to mental health and addiction services, and advocating for culturally competent care represent critical steps towards fostering
inclusive and effective addiction treat- ment within the BIPOC community. As we navigate the path towards comprehensive and inclusive addiction treatment, our col- lective dedication to disman- tling barriers, uplifting diverse voices, and fostering culturally informed care is integral in shaping a future where every individual within the BIPOC community can embark on a journey of recovery rooted in dig- nity, healing, and hope.
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Amplifying Voices, Fostering Resilience
A mplifying V oices , F ostering R esilience :
Managing the Crisis of Black Youth Mental Health and Suicide Rates at UMADAOP of Dayton
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 27 937.276.2176
T he pervasive crisis of youth mental health and the alarming surge in black youth suicide rates demand urgent attention and concerted action. As we navigate this distressing landscape, it becomes increasingly crucial to unravel the multifaceted factors contributing to the disproportionate vulnerability of Black youth to mental health challenges, particularly suicidal ideation and attempts. Emerging reports underscore an unsettling reality: rates of suicide among Black youth, especially within the LGBTQ communi- ty, have escalated at an unprecedented pace. This disquieting trend not only highlights the urgent need for targeted intervention but also underscores the imperative of addressing the intricate web of systemic, cultural, and social factors exacerbating the mental health crisis facing our young generation. Disparities in access to mental health services have emerged as a pivotal barrier hindering Black youth from seeking and receiv- ing the comprehensive care they urgently require. Stigma, limited resources, and cultural insensitivity continue to thwart efforts to provide accessible and culturally competent support to those in need. Overcoming these systemic inequities is paramount in fostering an environment where every young individual, irrespective of their racial or cultural background, can access the vital care essential for their mental well-being. Amplifying Voices, Fostering Resilience: Managing the Crisis of Black Youth Mental Health and Suicide Rates at UMADAOP of Dayton
The pervasive stigma surrounding mental health within the Black community further compounds the challenges faced by young individuals grappling with psychological distress. Normalizing open dialogues and cultivating safe spaces for discussions sur-
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DAYTON rounding mental health can serve as powerful antidotes to the silencing effects of stigma. By fostering supportive environments that encourage vulnerability and seek to destigmatize mental health struggles, we can empower Black youth to seek the help they deserve without fear of judgment or alienation. Furthermore, the intersectionality of race, gender iden- tity, and sexual orientation further magnifies the vulner- ability of Black LGBTQ youth, who face an even greater risk of suicidal ideation and attempts. Recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by this demo- graphic is integral to devising targeted interventions and support systems for their specific needs. A holistic approach encompassing culturally informed mental health education, community-based support sys- tems, and targeted intervention strategies is indispens- able in redressing the escalating rates of depression, anx-
iety, and suicide among Black youth. Cultivating an inclusive and empathetic approach that centers the voices and experiences of Black youth is pivotal in fostering resilience and instilling hope in the face of adversity. In our collective pursuit of solutions, it is imperative to amplify the voices of Black youth, centering their lived experiences and perspectives in shaping the trajectory of mental health advocacy and support. Elevating the narratives of resilience, healing, and triumph over adversity within the Black community serves as a potent catalyst for change, inspiring hope and fostering solidarity amidst the challenges faced. As we stand in solidarity with Black youth, advocating for equita- ble access to mental health resources, and fostering communities of empathy and understanding, we can pave the way for a future where every young individual, regardless of their race or back- ground, can flourish in mental well-being and resilience. Our un- wavering commitment to dismantling barriers, fostering cultural competence, and amplifying support systems is integral in shap- ing a future where Black youth can thrive in mental well-being and hope.
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Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Black Communities
I mpact of the O pioid E pidemic on B lack C ommunities : Unique Challenges and Demanding Equitable Interventions
1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1, Dayton, OH 45417 | 31 937.276.2176
Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Black Communities: Unique Challenges and Demanding Equitable Interventions
T he impact of the opioid epidemic on Black communities is a pressing issue that demands our attention and concerted efforts to address the unique challenges faced by these communities. The devastating consequences of opioid ad- diction have reverberated across Black neighborhoods, amplifying existing health dispari- ties and demanding comprehensive interventions to support those affected.
Historically, biased prescribing practices have perpetuated unequal access to prescription opioids, contributing to the lag be- tween opioid overdose deaths in white and Black populations. This disparity underscores the urgent need for targeted strategies that address the systemic barriers preventing Black individuals from accessing appropriate treatment and resources to combat opioid addiction. The shift in the demographics of opioid addiction, now impacting more Black and brown individuals with long-term addictions and insufficient resources, illustrates the evolving nature of the crisis within these communities. Rising opioid deaths in Black communities are closely linked to underlying health disparities, reflecting the urgent need for in- terventions that address the specific challenges faced by Black individuals in confronting opioid addiction. The stark data reveals a staggering 818 percent increase in death rates involving synthetic opioids, with the highest rates observed among non-Hispan- ic Blacks compared to all other race/ethnicities. This paints a sobering picture of the immense toll that the opioid epidemic has taken on Black communities, highlighting the urgency of comprehensive and equitable interventions. The disparities in opioid mortality rates between Black and white populations shed light on the need for targeted strategies that address the unique challenges faced by Black communities in combating opioid addiction. Despite these challenges, there is hope in recognizing the resilience and strength of Black communities in the face of the opioid epidemic. The focus on racial equity in addressing the opioid crisis highlights the imperative of centering solutions around the specific needs of communities of color.
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In 2020, overdose death rates increased 44 percent for Black in- dividuals, underscoring the urgency of proactive interventions to stem the tide of opioid-related deaths within Black communities. The disproportionate impact of the opioid epidemic calls for a multifaceted approach that prioritizes equitable access to support and treatment, bridging the gaps and ensuring that Black indi- viduals receive the care and resources they need to overcome the scourge of opioid addiction. It's crucial to understand the historical context within which the opioid crisis has unfolded in Black communities. By delving into the trends in opioid mortality, we can discern the disparate impact of the epidemic on different racial groups. The rate of opioid over- dose deaths has surged in recent years, necessitating a concerted effort to bridge the gaps and provide equitable access to support and treatment.
The opioid epidemic in Black communities demands a compassionate and resolute response that acknowledges the unique challenges and disparities faced by these com- munities. By amplifying the voices of those affected and advocating for targeted interventions, we can work to- wards creating a more equitable and supportive environ- ment for Black individuals battling opioid addiction. It's time to stand in solidarity with Black communities and en- sure that they receive the care and resources they need to overcome the devastating effects of opioid addiction.
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contact us: Call: 937.276.2176 or visit: 1 Elizabeth Pl Rt, 1 Dayton, OH 45417
Providing Support to Dayton's Minority & Underserved Communities Helping to Heal One Life, One Soul, One Family at a Time. Heal One Life, One Soul, One Family at a Time.
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