POLISHED-Q1-2024 -Leaps and Bounds


he EBRCOA was established May of 1973 and the agency just celebrated it 50th year anniversary. Statutorily created to respond to the needs of older persons aged 60 and over residing in the Parish of East Baton Rouge. The sole goal is to keep seniors living T The Straight FACTS on the EBRCOA

In addition to the annual audit, we present an annual report that provides a breakdown of funds that go hand in hand with our programs. Furthermore, we submit monthly and quarterly financial and programmatic reports to the afore-mentioned agencies. We provide a budget presentation to the Metro Council when requested. We make every effort to work in tandem and partnership with The Mayor’s office and The Metro Council, we only report to our oversight agency the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs who maintains our charter. We have grown leaps and bounds! The current administration has been creating, expanding and enhancing our programs and services. We have changed the trajectory of the agency to broaden our horizon. The East Baton Rouge Council on Aging is more than a meal, nutritional services and social services. The agency offers a plethora of services that help maintain the independence of the seniors of EBR Parish. Over the course of twelve years our footprint has expanded over the years. In 2016, the Chief Executive Officer promised the seniors of the parish, once the millage was successful that the agency would deliver on the Five Pillars of the Millage: (1) Eliminating Wait list for Services, (2) Access to Increased Senior Activities & Events, (3) Access to Reliable Transportation, (4) Neighborhood Senior Centers, (5) Access to Affordable Housing. We are currently meeting and exceeding these benchmarks.

independently in their own homes through a multitude of wrap-around services. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and quasi-governmental entity. The Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs provides oversight and guidance to our federally designated Area Agency on Aging to ensure compliance with the federal and state laws that govern us. There is a 15-member board of Directors who are elected by the membership of EBRCOA, who all serve voluntarily. Chief Carl Dunn is the current board chairman. We also, have an Advisory Board of 23-Senior Members, who meet quarterly to discuss their ideas and concerns. The Council operates with a multiplicity of funding streams totaling around $13 million annually. Our events and activities which are available to nearly 100,000 seniors in EBR Parish, are funded through private donations & sponsorships, federal and state program funds and a local property tax millage. Annually, we receive an audit performed by an approved certified public accountant. The audit is submitted to GOEA, the Metro Council, the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, and placed on our website for public viewing.



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