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Forgetting to smile
Life is busy Finding time for ourselves is incredibly difficult and as we grow older, seems nearly impossible. Before you know it, your children are planning their retirement, and you have forgotten to take care of yourself; your health is the last thing on your mind, especially your dental health. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and smiled? Does your smile look worn-out or is it tilting to one side and looking uneven? How long have you had your dentures? Are they stained, cracked, repaired, worn down or have tartar and bacteria build-up? Prosthetic teeth wearers are encouraged to get regular check-ups to ensure that their oral health is optimal and check for any adverse effects. It may not be necessary to replace prosthetic teeth every five years but making sure that they are in good working order is essential. When patients put their oral health aside for too long, they may find it difficult to regain optimal oral health and the proper function of their prosthetic teeth. These few steps can guarantee an excellent smile for years to come. Here is a scenario. I often hear patients say that their dentures are comfortable and that they love them. I would usually agree to let things go since there are no problems, but the reality is that things could be deteriorating without patients realizing it. When this happens, the key is to begin regaining comfort and maintaining a beautiful smile. One of the issues caused by keeping your dentures in place for too long is that your teeth and bone begin to deteriorate and fade away leading to, among other things, a misshapen mouth. Once the damage is too foregone, it is difficult to bring your teeth and your jawbone back to their normal, healthy state. The normal wear and tear of the regular use of dentures, close to five years, is between 1 and 2 mm of teeth use and with up to 1 mm of bone loss, totalling almost half a centimetre if you have upper and lower denture. This has a detrimental impact on the shape and the function of a patient’s mouth; so much so, that regaining optimal health can be problematic. Remember, you must continually care for your smile so that it remains healthy and bright. The goal of a new smile is to restore your mouth’s natural biomechanics, regain optimal oral health and get back to smiling confidently. Don’t let your smile fade away; always ensure that oral health is at the top of your list, for you and your smile. The goal of prosthetic teeth is to restore the mouth’s biomechanics and keep our patients comfortable and happy, not to mention making sure that their smile is as natural as possible. Nicholas Fournier, DD
Farmers and gardeners are being encouraged to grow an extra row of produce to donate to local food banks —archive photo
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Le Réseau agroalimentaire de l’Est de l’Ontario (RAEO) a annoncé la cam- pagne “ Cultivez un rang de plus “ pour aider à approvisionner les banques ali- mentaires de la région. La campagne encourage les jardiniers et les agriculteurs privés ou commerciaux à “cultiver une rangée supplémentaire” de nourriture et à faire don de la récolte supplé- mentaire aux banques alimentaires et aux programmes de repas locaux. La discussion sur les fruits et légumes les plus demandés et sur le volume que chaque organisation peut traiter est une étape importante du programme, car donner plus d’aliments que les banques alimentaires ne peuvent en transporter entraînera un gaspillage de nourriture. Good Food Garden et la banque alimen- taire de Vankleek Hill ont apporté leurs propres extensions locales au programme. Peggy McDonald, de Good Food Garden, plante suffisamment de légumes pour obte- nir des paniers supplémentaires de l’ASC, spécifiquement pour les donner à la banque alimentaire, et elle permet également aux clients de l’ASC de donner les semaines non utilisées à la banque alimentaire. j/PVTTPNNFTEBDDPSEQPVSEJSFRVF Good Food Garden a une excellente idée. La formule de l’ASC fournit des légumes frais chaque semaine pendant toute la saison de croissance», a déclaré Jane Fantie, de la banque alimentaire de Vankleek Hill. j/PTDMJFOUTQFVWFOUDIPJTJS MFT MÊHVNFT qu’ils aiment et qu’ils utiliseront. La banque alimentaire de VKH met en valeur la grande variété de légumes cultivés localement, pro- pose des recettes pour les légumes moins connus et encourage une alimentation saine. Un bonus supplémentaire est qu’il y a moins de déchets lorsque les clients choisissent ce qu’ils aiment!» Pour en savoir plus sur le programme j(SPXBO&YUSB3PXv WJTJUF[MFTJUFIUUQT XXXBHSPPODBQBHFTHSPXBSPX
Le gouvernement provincial a dévoilé une ébauche de plan directeur des transports pour l’Est de l’Ontario. —photo Christopher Smith
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN news@eap.on.ca
more truck stops along Highway 401 to support the trucking industry, a new marine TUSBUFHZGPS&BTUFSO0OUBSJPUIBUXPVMEIFMQ with the tourism and recreational boating needs of riverside communities located along the Ottawa River. The draft master plan was developed through a series of roundtable consultations, a public online survey, and technical research on existing transportation conditions and problems for the 1.8 million residents of &BTUFSO0OUBSJP «Connecting ours maller communities with the larger centres, creating more job opportunities, and ensuring the safety and efficiency of rural transportation networks are vital to the growth of our local and regio- nal economies,» stated Daniel Lafleur, mayor of Casselman and warden for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. The transportation ministry plans to do a GVSUIFSMPOHSBOHFUFDIOJDBMTUVEZPG&BTUFSO 0OUBSJPTOFUXPSL8PSLPO UIFTUVEZXJMM begin this summer and should involve further public consultations.
The Ford government has unveiled its master plan for improving and expan- ding Eastern Ontario’s transportation system. Transportation Minister Caroline Mulro- ney announced release of the detailed transportation report Thursday morning in Plantagenet as part of a tour she is making of the Prescott-Russell region. The report, $POOFDUJOHUIF&BTUøBESBGUUSBOTQPSUBUJPO plan for eastern Ontario, outlines a list of more than 50 short- and long-term proposals for improving existing transportation infras- tructure within the region, and expanding some of the region’s major highways to better handle increasing amounts of traffic. «Our government is building Ontario by getting shovels in the ground on highways, roads and public transit needed to fight gridlock and keep goods and people moving,» stated Mulroney. «Our transportation plan for eastern Ontario will unlock access to hou- sing, employment and tourist destinations, while supporting significant trade corridors and economic growth in the region.» Long-term goals of the plan include expan- ding Highway 417 to four continuous lanes in both directions between the Highway 16 and Maitland Avenue links in Ottawa, along with plans for widening Highway 401 up to eight lanes in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Other goals include improving local and intermunicipal public transit, adding
Mille raisons de sourire
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613-446-3336 fournierdenturistclinic.ca 2911 rue Laurier, bureau 105, Rockland , ON
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