Other Pastimes of Lord Nrsimhadeva
Pastime One
Lord Nrsimhadeva ’s pujari had a very startling dream in which the director of the temple called him and told him to bring some diesel oil, saying, “We are going to sacrifice Lord Nrsimhadeva .” “You are going to what?!” exclaimed the pujari. “Yes we are going t o sacrifice Lord Nrsimhadeva .” “You can’t do that, this is crazy.” “Just bring the diesel will you?” “Ok, I will bring the oil but I don’t want anything
to do with this. I t doesn’t make any sense.”
After some time the pujari returned to the temple and was totally shocked to see that everything had been completely burned by a great fire and all that remained of the Deity was his feet and ankles. Early the next morning, he approached the chief pujari and asked if he could explain the meaning of this terrible nightmare. After thinking for a while, he began to smile and said, “Oh yes . You see, yesterday was the start of jaladan (the festival of dripping water on saligram for one month), but we forgot to observe it, therefore Lord Nrsimhadeva is letting you know that He is burning up and you should immediately begin the jaladan, ” which we did!
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