Lord Nrsimhadeva, ISKCON Mayapur

patient was doing well, his saline drip and oxygen had both been removed, and he was now able to talk.

Pastime Four

There was a fight in a village, and in the course of the fight, one person was attacked with acid as a result of which his whole face was burnt and terribly disfigured. The sight of one of the eyes was completely lost and the other eye had only about 10% vision. The doctors said that the remaining eye, through which he had 10% vision, would also go blind very soon. They suggested taking the patient to Vellore (South India) for further treatment, to see if they could do something about it. At that time, a devotee who was there suggested that they should pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva for the recovery of his eyes. As a result, they prayed to Lord Nrsimhadeva (at ISKCON Mayapur). The next day, much to the doctor’s surprise, it was found that the patient could see everything very nicely.


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