
Santa Claus Here comes Liven up your holiday party with some friendly competition

When it comes to entertaining the guests at your holiday party, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to the classics — Pictionary, charades and the like are fun and easy to play. However, if you want to try something new this year, here are some ideas to mix things up. Musical bingo Make bingo cards, but replace the word “bingo” with “piano” and write down the titles of Christmas carols instead of num- bers. When a song that’s on your card gets drawn, you have to sing it (stick to one

Logos Print out a variety of corporate logos — making sure to mask any visible company names — and ask players to match each

verse and one chorus, if you prefer) to be able to place a chip on that square in hopes of getting a “piano.” Is the song on more than one card? May the best performance win! Guess my resolution Have everyone anonymously write down one of their New Year’s resolutions, and then try to match each one with its author. Whoever has the most correct guesses is the winner. You can also play this game with famous quotes or expressions, as chosen by your guests.

one with the business it represents. You can also play this game with slogans instead of logos.

Fun for everyone Organize a three-legged race in the snow. Have a contest to build the world’s most beautiful snowman (with toilet paper) or tallest Christmas tree (with humans). Fill an oversized Christmas stocking with different items and take turns trying to guess the contents. Fun times guaranteed!

610, avenue McConnell, Cornwall (ON) Tél. 613.938.2000 • Téléc. 613.938.8465 COMMUNAUTÉ À L’ÉCOUTE ★ Journée nationale de l’enfant ★ Foire des petits francos ★ Activités saisonnières ★ Reconnaissance des bénévoles ★ Famille, santé, équilibre

Nos voeux les plus sincères pour Noël et le nouvel an !

Sincere wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

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Éric Dubé, B.Soc. Sc., M.S.T., LL. B.

Roger R. Dubé, LL. B.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

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