Oracle FEBRUARY 2018 Updated



When my wife Cindy, our dog Bailey and I drove into ORPS, we had the same reaction as many of you ….WOW (actually Bailey said WOOF)! Over time, what we

The Board of Directors recognizes the need to enhance our dog facilities and for several years has been exploring all options available to us, which are very limited given the confines of our property. Last year, in negotiating with the marijuana grow facility along our west boundary as to the potential impact of their development on ORPS, our management requested that they designate a portion of their property for a dog run/relief site for the benefit of residents of ORPS. It is very likely that this new dog facility will become a reality. However, there are several hurdles that first need to be resolved. They are: 1) Execution of an agreement with the developers to document the use of the dog facility on their property by the residents of ORPS and set forth responsibilities for ongoing maintenance and landscaping; 2) Approval from the City of Cathedral City of the dog facility and our access to it including design, landscape and fencing; and 3) Obtaining access from ORPS to the dog facility by securing property for an approximate 8’ x 150’ pedestrian path through the CVWD well site, along with purchase of the CVWD-owned asphalted property adjacent to their well site, the maintenance yard, and the laundry facility which we have used for many years for parking, trash/recycle bins, and the existing dog relief site. The latter acquisition is a condition imposed by CVWD in order to acquire the pedestrian pathway. Any annexation of property to the association must be submitted to the Owners for approval. Assuming Items (1) and (2) above are realized, the Board of Directors requests owner approval to purchase the property described in (3) above at an estimated cost of $60,000 for the property, CVWD administrative and appraisal fees of approximately $14,000, plus a 10% contingency, for a total not-to-exceed cost of $88,000. It is proposed that the Capital required for the purchase will come from monies accumulated as a result of the net surplus at the end of the fiscal year in the Operating Budget and will not require an increase to HOA dues. This annexation will allow the realization of enhanced dog facilities for current and future owners and their pets. The acquisition will also transfer ownership of CVWD-owned property that is within our boundaries to avoid future potential legal disputes regarding its use. The purchase will not proceed unless Items (1) and (2) above are finalized to our satisfaction. Additionally, a Town Hall will be held to confirm the terms and conditions of the agreements reached and the pros and cons of going forward. If we wait until all conditions are met, a second election will be necessary at a significant additional cost of approximately $5,000.

discovered was a sense of community, inclusive lifestyle and friendships that have become entrenched in our lives. ORPS is our winter home and will be for years to come. As an engineer and VP of sales in a telecommunications company and later VP of a multinational start-up company, I understand the dynamics of empowering people, fiscal responsibility, sound decision-making, with a keen eye toward the future. We’ve been retired for 14 years, enjoying our travels of US and Canada, while making lasting friendships. As an incumbent Board Member I’ve had the privilege of working with a determined board to secure a solid financial future, while keeping a sense of harmony within our resort. We’ve made strides in advocating open communications and transparency, which I will work toward with another term. My accomplishments as Chair of the Architecture & Aesthetics (A&A) Committee include, elimination and replacement of the RV15 year rule, lot hardscape increase from 75% to 85%, introducing outdoor kitchens, shade structures, and a total re-write of our A&A rules. I have empowered a new A&A team and revamped the permit process for quicker turn-around time. I believe there is more work to be done. On a daily basis I work with the GM and his staff on compliance issues. As Board Member and A&A Chair I am tasked to make the difficult decisions. My promise is to continue with fairness, an inclusive approach, and always ask myself “Is this in the best interest of our Resort?” I take on this challenge with the strong support of my wife Cindy of 33 years. When we aren’t volunteering at a ladies luncheon, potato bake, rib night, or Big Star, we enjoy Chapel, playing golf, pickleball, line dancing, and even have an occasional cocktail with friends . I sometimes wonder how we manage to get it all in! If re-elected you have my promise to look out for your best interests and ALWAYS do it with honesty and integrity, while preserving the friendships Cindy and I have come to treasure!


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