Cigna Accidental Injury Insurance Summary of Benefits

Enhanced Accident Benefits

Plan $150


Coma (lasting 7 days with no response) $10,000 Additional Accidental Injury benefits included - See certificate for details, including limitations & exclusions. Virtual Care

accepted for Initial Physician Office Visit and Follow-Up Care. Wellness Treatment, Health Screening Test & Preventive Care Benefit* Wellness Treatment, Health Screening Test and Preventive Care Benefit:* Benefit paid for all covered persons is 100% of the benefit shown. Also includes COVID-19 Immunization. Virtual Care accepted.



Portability Feature: You, your spouse, and child(ren) can continue 100% of your coverage at the time your coverage ends. You must be under the age of 100 in order to continue your coverage. Rates may change and all coverage ends at age 100. Applies to United States Citizens and Permanent Resident Aliens residing in the United States. Employee’s Bi-Weekly Cost of Coverage: Tier Plan Employee $3.89 Employee and spouse $7.03 Employee and child(ren) $9.05 Family $11.47 Costs are subject to change. Actual per pay period premiums may differ slightly due to rounding. Important Definitions and Policy Provisions: Coverage Type: Benefits are paid when a Covered Injury results, directly and independently of all other causes, from a Covered Accident. Covered Accident: A sudden, unforeseeable, external event that results, directly and independently of all other causes, in a Covered Injury or Covered Loss and occurs while the Covered Person is insured under this Policy; is not contributed to by disease, sickness, mental or bodily infirmity; and is not otherwise excluded under the terms of this Policy. Covered Injury: Any bodily harm that results directly and independently of all other causes from a Covered Accident. Covered Person: An eligible person who is enrolled for coverage under this Policy. Covered Loss: A loss that is the result, directly and independently of other causes, from a Covered Accident suffered by the Covered Person within the applicable time period described in the Policy. Hospital: An institution that is licensed as a hospital pursuant to applicable law; primarily and continuously engaged in providing medical care and treatment to sick and injured persons; managed under the supervision of a staff of medical doctors; provides 24-hour nursing services by or under the supervision of a graduate registered Nurse (R.N.); and has medical, diagnostic and treatment facilities with major surgical facilities on its premises, or available to it on a prearranged basis, and charges for its services. The term Hospital does not include a clinic, facility, or unit of a Hospital for: rehabilitation, convalescent, custodial, educational, or nursing care; the aged, treatment of drug or alcohol addiction. When your coverage begins: Coverage begins on the later of the program's effective date, the date you become eligible, or the first of the month following the date your completed enrollment form is received unless otherwise agreed upon by Cigna. Your coverage will not begin unless you are actively at work on the effective date. Coverage for all Covered Persons will not begin on the effective date if hospital, facility or home confined, disabled or receiving disability benefits or unable to perform activities of daily living. When your coverage ends: Coverage ends on the earliest of the date you and your dependents are no longer eligible, the date the group policy is no longer in force, or the date for the last period for which required premiums are paid. For your dependent, coverage also ends when your coverage ends, when their premiums are not paid or when they are no longer eligible. (Under certain circumstances, your coverage may be continued. Be sure to read the provisions in your Certificate.) 30 Day Right To Examine Certificate: If a Covered Person is not satisfied with the Certificate for any reason, it may be returned to us within 30 days after receipt. We will return any premium that has been paid and the Certificate will be void as if it had never been issued. Benefit Conditions and Limitations: This document provides only the highlights. All claims for a covered loss must meet specific Benefit Conditions and Limitations and are otherwise subject to all other terms set forth in the group policy. Common Exclusions:* In addition to any benefit specific exclusions, no payments will be made for losses which directly or indirectly, is caused by or results from: • intentionally self-inflicted injury, including suicide or any attempted suicide; • committing an assault or felony; • bungee jumping; parachuting; skydiving; parasailing; hang-gliding; • declared or undeclared war or act of war; • aircraft or air travel, except as a commercial passenger or Aircraft used by the Air Mobility Command (unless owned, leased or controlled by Subscriber); • sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity, bacterial or viral infection or medical or surgical treatment, except bacterial infection from an accidental external cut or wound or accidental ingestion of contaminated food; • activities of active military duty, except Reserve or National Guard active duty training lasting 31 days or less; • operating any vehicle under the influence of alcohol or any drug, narcotic or other intoxicant; • voluntary use of drugs, unless taken as prescribed and under direction of a physician; • services or treatment rendered by a physician, nurse or any other person who is: employed by the subscriber, living with or immediate family of the Covered Person, or providing alternative medical treatments. Actual policy terms may vary depending on your plan design and location.

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