Hola Sober Dec-Jan 2024

Top Tips

lisa h. My top tip for the holiday season is quite simple and yet can be hard to put in place. I refrain from having high expectations from both myself and others. We can be seduced by tv ads and movies into thinking that the world is full of happy beautiful families gathering together in harmony with not a hair or a Christmas bauble out of place….beautiful smiles all around. As any woman knows this is not reality. So I take each day as it comes. I refuse to future trip as to what may or may not happen on Christmas Day, or Boxing Day or New Years Eve. And with no high expectations I’m usually more than satisfied with the way the holidays go. Keep it simple and you won’t be disappointed. Oh and lots of me time, me and books, me and chocolate, me and some paints, and above all me and my Hola Sober support network, the absolute best.

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