Hola Sober Dec-Jan 2024

It's a B.F.D. and we are so much better than before, no matter what is spinning in our universe. I don't drink alcohol and that is a B.F.D. BIG. FECKING. DEAL. REJOICE in that. And yes it's in CAPITALS. IT'S a BIG FECKING DEAL. Please don't forget that or underestimate that. Never forget to say thank you to yourself for showing up for yourself today. That ladies is a BIG. FECKING. DEAL . “When there is a hill to climb, don't think waiting makes it any smaller. Take the first step in faith, you do not need to see the full staircase, today just take the first step." Please join me in the sober dawn chorus as we look skyward and say not today lady, not today.

Susan xxxxx


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