Hola Sober Dec-Jan 2024

Sober Wisdom Vitamin N

not today lady, not today

Vitamin N

"What? You haven’t heard about vitamin N? Well then let me explain the importance of this vital nutrient known as nature. In my health coaching practice, I have been teaching my clients for decades the importance of communing with nature (Vitamin N) to support optimal health and well-being based on my gut instinct and personal experience. Because I found that spending time with nature is as critical for my physical, mental, and spiritual health as eating a proper diet, regular physical activity, and getting adequate sleep. It has been a pillar for more than thirty years in my management of health, stress, mood, and quality of life. Nobody had to tell me to do it, it just occurred innately. If I wane from this activity, then I suffer great consequences. So, I build it into my life naturally." - Cynthia Perkins M.D. Read Article in Full here

At the University of Michigan, researchers demonstrated that, after just an hour interacting with nature, memory performance and attention spans improved by 20 percent. In workplaces designed with Vitamin N or nature in mind, employees are more productive and take less sick times.

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