Hola Sober Dec-Jan 2024

Use any cheap alcohol free red wine, add a sachet of mulled wine spices, an orange with cloves studded through, and a teaspoon of coconut sugar, a cinnamon stick, and orange juice to taste. You could also add a dash of Lyres Italian Orange – yum! For a fancier version: INGREDIENTS

Alcohol Free Mulled Wine By Janey Lee Grace The Sober Club

1 bottle of AF red wine 400 ml Orange juice 200ml Cranberry juice 1 stick of Cinnamon 3 Star Anise 10 Pink Peppercorns

100 g dark brown soft sugar or Coconut sugar 1 Orange studded with Cloves (about 15 cloves) 1 teaspoon Ginger powder ½ teaspoon ground Nutmeg (freshly grated if possible) METHOD Pour red wine, Orange juice, Cranberry juice into a pan Stud a small Orange with Cloves and add to the pan Add all other ingredients and mix well. Gently bring the liquid to the boil and simmer for about 10-15 mins. SERVE!!! Remember its AF so can be enjoyed anytime! Garnish with a slice of Orange or a few Pink Peppercorns! If pouring into a glass, put a metal spoon in the glass first to stop the glass breaking! Focus on having a wonderful alcohol free Christmas, stay connected!

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