Get A Handle on Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain
One of the biggest concerns regarding pain in the shoulder, elbow and wrist is that it is difficult to impossible to actually allow these parts of the body time to rest. Every movement and action requires these body parts — and when the pain develops in both arms, as it often does, treating the pain becomes even more complicated. It is impossible to care for your basic needs without involving your shoulder or wrist, let alone get through a day at the office. This is why so many issues regarding pain in the shoulder, elbows and wrists typically become chronic. Since it is difficult to allow these body parts time to properly rest, they continue being overused and the pain can actually worsen. Treating Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain. Addressing the pain early on is the best way to prevent an issue from becoming chronic. Turning to medication and braces for pain management is not a long-term solution and will only push off the inevitable truth — that you need to find a solution for the problem that is causing you pain. Physical therapy is the ideal tool for support in this regard. Working with a physical therapist will provide you with an opportunity to understand what movements may be causing further discomfort, and can help you to strengthen the surrounding muscles while improving range of motion, which together will likely alleviate some of the pain associated with your injury.
Don’t assume that pain in your shoulder, elbows or wrists will go away on its own. It is more common for the pain to worsen, and compensating for the pain by overusing the opposite arm can cause further injury to develop. For support with learning how to manage the pain, and to learn exercises and techniques that can help you overcome the injury and restore proper strength and functionality to your shoulders, elbows and wrists, contact your physical therapist. For more support in finding relief from joint pain, talk to your physical therapist.
Call us today to schedule an appointment today!
Finger Lickin’ Bar-b-q Chicken Recipe
• 1 6oz can tomato paste • About ½ pound per person
• 1½ tbsp Dijon mustard • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar • 1 tsp paprika
INGREDIENTS No sugar bar-b-q sauce: • ½ tbsp bacon fat, lard, or coconut oil • ½ a sweet onion, minced • 3 cloves garlic, crushed & minced
bone-in, skin-on truly free-range and preferably organic chicken cuts (the skin does not add unhealthy saturated fat and the bones will leach minerals and other nutrients as they grill)
• 1 tsp chili powder • ½ tsp cinnamon • ½ tsp sea salt • 1 cup chicken broth
INSTRUCTIONS MaketheSauce: Melt thebaconfat, lard,orcoconutoil inasaucepan.Add themincedonionandgarlicandsauté until translucent.Stir in thespices thoroughly, thenadd thechickenbrothand tomatopastemixingwell.Bring toaboil thencoverand reduce theheat tosimmer30-45minutes.Coolbeforeusingasamarinadeorbottling. Marinate and grill: For BBQ chicken, clean bone-on, skin-on chicken parts under running water and pat dry. Placeallbut½cupBBQsauceandchicken inacontainerand letmarinateovernight in the fridge.Preheatyour grill to medium. Remove the chicken from the marinade and place on preheated grill. Discard the marinade. Grill one minute per side to set the marinade. Brushing with new marinade, grill 10 minutes on each side or until the juices run clear depending on the size of your chicken pieces. Brush with more marinade as it cooks. Findmorehealthyrecipemakeoversatwww.OurNutritionKitchen.comcontributedbyMarieCecchiniSternquist, MS,CHHC,whousesFunctionalNutritionandNutritionResponseTesting toaddress inflammatoryprocesses that prevent true healing.
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