King's Business - 1936-10


October, [936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

■ hr*!*] A BORROWED Body <): b ' y 'W'^b ^ k E R R S T R O M ■ Findlay, Ohio. .

I jwis^jI^qulcJ 'Imp^ow yaijrhody. or .a.commbfi .spftjiert.:?©.,i'.cbt}|4,:§?fi jttie things you haveseen, vis« both.fforit?,. 'is goingjon.V Tim? spojfe,Musspbni, ,accof¡brig to.,a report by ,Chaplin ^rij;i|ig..for. [Uniyershf ¡¡¡j$ryipe.!,: ,,.,1^33 naan,,oi wo.rid.renown evey given, yitter- ang?, t9 suqhphHrtiipg. yfpralpir,^ussplim.rsthei mp-st power­ ful, .yraffd,(1}Qd$y,, Everything ahqiit thnn,j§ sprjpu^^i,^ yhiLpf .{ftysffTjfti | Ijtif rife ,tp; power, .was, ¡as sudffep .-?p$fWfflPe# e8; ps aj phdft p f 0li^tn!ng,,1crras(ning thropgh, spacer itpfxif.a. t9lo,uclies^,|Slfyr ..'hhSnWftfla. stands aglu$ iia^ jh isp iJ^^epa l ¡ffjs ..bsaWffih fflfa i W now gazing covetously upon three continents. Witll.tJije calmness and confidence with which we plan a Sunday- school picnic'; Mussolini ¡¡makes plans which will change half;pfi the mPPbiPf ttfe.jyqrld. In 1927 he said: ■’We ’miisF be^riiaidy,1; at a ^iveij; momeritt\t

nqt ¡with ¡menvAnot;' with ¡Miissofini ; ■hot; with Hitler ; not with ;StaJin,¡but, with, fallen spirits under the ¡¡dibebfióil'jjf Satan'., These,spirits actuate hten..... ,?iThe..,nHimer in'; which Ihis i’s .accpmjphshed is clearly stafed ' hi ¡Revelation i1,6:13\ and 1'4 hhAn'd. i l . saw, three' un- clpan spirits,hhp frogà coifieput p i the mouth of thè dragon', ahd .opt o f,me mouth bf 'the hyahh,4P.d. out.of the'hiohth of %;■; false,.prophet; 1,,’Fof i.they ‘ aye,"the,' spirits \oi ,'4eyils fdenipns ] f. working nìfraclés;,which go’,f orth unto the king? of the,.earth ,ahd of thq whole hdfld. fo, gamer theihfp thé battle of that great day o f God, Almighty/’. , ‘ IS tì MR ììtìoìììaì StAéihfe . 1 Satan’s objective, is evidently'. international" suièidè. Satan will make a desperate effort to .ffuptfate.fhe 'hlan, the purpose, and the pripgnùn.plModiPy- attètribtìiig''t0 slay every \person op earth. The extent', ió which he will be suc- e'essfill is ihdièàted in Reveiatioii 9 :l8 m tvhich. it is declared that pne-third of the wPrld’s ’pÖpuMiqh,?vill l?é killed as.'a result of some future tyarl Speaking, ò f ‘the peripcl o f 'the G f èaf Tribtil.atiön, our !Lord said; '“ And except.fhose; .days shquldjbe, sfióftened, there should rioffiesn he säyea': but ,fòr,;thhiPJépt’s-;.sake those days, shall bef shortened” fMatt. ■24t:22;)u';At Hislreturn in glory, qur'Lord,'will;mfefyene in time :to’f shwe- thè world- from.''in.terhhtionai ^suicide,' Israel will,be.saved, Wars will cèase, 'S‘atan'will/be hound for'a ithhh^^d.yh^fs^h11^ our Lord .will tjàice. the rèins o f govern­ ment ¡(cLoIsa.';,9:6, 7).|] i flt-isi easily possible1 thdt .Mussólmi may .havé.a.'prpmi- nehf bifti'n'hftting the;Stage for thè cpming'world dictator ’who würbe’ Satan incarnate. ./Mussolini’s; statement, “ I wish 1 ;F could borrow your bodifA'; indicates-; that hè believes that ¡mari is more than a bPdhH^tHat the, body is riierely the, habitation o(f a spirit. He ./.¡eviheritly beliefes imat what he has suggested ip not impossiblelj Mussolini’^ startling, utterarifri only, adds .to the already long , fist p f ; ^arl^s j pf, thq, cqming Antichrist,., (MiihTtihYiNp. ^E^sbir^Ltipf

31pst startling o£-all, ip; the-fact that the Bible cleanrly teaches that what Mussolini de­ sires is;possible,! and, fha;tduring the reign of the Antichrist such, a thing.will actually take place. ;YSatan,is npt¡omnipotent., i le is powerful, bjut not ;.aUTppwerful. iiHe; isi mighty, but ¡not almighty, 1le .is, among the wisest ,o f all

creatures, but he is not -omniscient 1 He ■ is occu­ pied,with “ going to and fro, jn; the earth//; and “ walking, up and down ip it.” (Job 1 :7y, but he iS not omnipresent. Be­ cause ¡¡he-is not iomni- present, he desires to multiply personality. He [Continued on page 404]

heavenly plapes,’;’ From this, .scripture it ¡will be seen that our conflict is , {The ntufciter .. ofi > this] article is , well-knotun qs a Bible teacher, evangelist, brtd author o f the '"Bible Blue Books” and other bdoksihMr; Herrstrom Hsi now touring the f orty-eight states in Bible conference work. — E ditor .]

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