King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

we may overcome the wrong and sin in the world. But we are reminded in this portion that our warfare is against a spirit­ ual foe, and that nothing but spiritual weapons can reach and overcome him, these being the Word of God and the prayer in the Spirit. The Lord Jesus relied upon the Sword of the Spirit when face to face with Satan (Matt. 4:1-11), when answering the Pharisees (Mk. 12:10), and when putting the Sadducees to rout (Matt. 22:23-33). It has been well said that His life upon earth can be traced by the marks o f His knees left where He knelt to pray. The great need for the church today is for an army of active spiritual swordsmen and zealous prayermen. From Paul’s request for prayer (vs. 19, 20), one may sense the value of using such weapons. He desired the help of the saints in prayer, that he might with soundness set forth the mystery of the gospel, that he might speak with all boldness and courage, and that he might continue in the sacri­ ficial warfare of which his bonds were witness.fii Points and Problems 1. “Disputing and persuading” (v. 8). The first word is the Greek “dialegomai" which suggests argument with both sides speaking. The apostle was not afraid to submit his case to public disputation. He argued with the Jewish hearers and wort them to his side in large numbers. 2. “ But when divers were hardened . . . he departed” (v. 9). Paul had argued in the synagogue for three months, and the Holy Spirit was working with him, yet the only effect upon certain hearers was to “harden” them. Let us today not be surprised, therefore, if we not only fail to convert all of our hearers, but also find that some actually grow worse under our preaching. When Paul felt that his testi­ mony had been fully completed, he took his converts and left, using a wise course, for in an environment of 'hate and spite it is difficult to work. 3. “ Spake evil o f that way” (v. 9). The word “ Way" should doubtless be capi­ talized, as it is in the American Revised Version (Acts 19:9, 23). Christianity is never in the New Testament called a “re­ ligion.” The early Christians referred to it as “The Way,” an expression probably derived from our Lord’s great claim, “I am the way” (John 14:6). To the apos­ tolic church, Christianity and Christ were almost synonymous. It might be well for us today to talk more about Christ and not so much about Christianity. 4. "Disputing daily in the school o f one Tyrannus . . . by the space o f two years” (vs. 9, 10). It was while here at Ephesus that Paul wrote his first Epistle to the Corinthians. The note, “written from Philippi,” which the Authorized Version puts at the close of the letter, has no authority whatever. The question is set­ tled by 1 Corinthians 16:8 : “But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.” The “great door and effectual,” spoken of in the following verse, refers to the vast opportunity at Ephesus. During his min­ istry there, “all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19:10). 5. The miracles spoken o f in verses 11 and 12 were “ special," that is, acts o f di­ vine power which were out o f the ordi­ nary. Attempts to duplicate them, there­ fore, are foolish.

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Golden Text Illustration In a Philadelphia hospital a wonderful operation was performed upon the spine of a young woman. The disorder had prevented her holding her head erect. The surgeons removing the faulty bone and tissue of the spine, gradually substi­ tuted fragments of bone cut from her arm and legs. The complete transference occu­ pied a period o f five weeks, at the end of which the patient was moved to her home, joyful at the announcement that a com­ plete cure had been effected. As wonderful as this feat of medical skill was, how very much more wonderful is the skill of the good Physician, the great Surgeon, as He places stamina in spiritually weak and diseased spines and enables the heads of spirits and souls once hanging down, discouraged and cowardly, to be lifted up, encouraged, and held erect. Jesus Christ, that great Surgeon, per­ forms His transplantation, implanting His courage, fortitude, and strength perma­ nently—the heavy spirit is lightened, the bowed head is raised.— S elected . When Paul Preached in a Schoolhouse Acts 19:8-20 Memory Verse: “Teach me thy way, O Lord” (Psa. 27:11). Approach: We are going to talk today about some more things that happened to Paul as he traveled about as a missionary.

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Last week we said that he wanted very much to go to Rome. But his work in Greece , and Asia Minor was not fin­ ished yet. After that year and a half that he spent in Corinth, he went east across the Aegean Sea to another big c i t y , Ephesus, Ephesus

was down on the seacoast where great boats brought many people to the city. All around that country there were roads which led to this great city. Paul knew that if he could preach the gospel here, the people who had just come to this city for a little while could hear and could

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