King's Business - 1936-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1936

-------------- 1 " H t y . M o o d y . c h e c k w ild t e o t * t im e ." Every partner o f M oody Bible Institute receives his ch eck on th e day specified; annual or sem i-annual paym ent, as desired. No annu itant has ever waited. None has ever been disappointed. The peace o f m ind o f those who have bought an annuity con tract is beyond price. Make your m oney imm ortal by buy­ ing a M oody A nnuity Contract. You will receive from 4 to 9 per cent, accord­ ing to your age. Y ou can arrange for incom e to go to another, and you may be sure th a t your m oney will be used unceasingly for the education o f young m en and w om en w h o are eager to go to the “ utterm ost parts o f the ea rth ." Send for full details. Our new booklet, “ Facts," will tell you how and why. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE O F C H IC A G O M oody Institute has enrolled 18,706 young m en and wom en. 1405 form er students are now on th e foreign field. © AN N U ITY DEPARTMENT K .-B.-IO 153 institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Please tell m e how I can Invest $100 or any m ultiple in the work of Moody In­ stitute and still have an incom e during m y lifetim e. D. L. Moody Address---------------------------------------------------------------- F A I T H I N S P I R I N G GOSPEL TRACTS He Can. He Will. He Does. A Man Who Could Pray. Beal Faith. Lean Hard. Ice From Heaven. Can God. A Modern Miracle. The Storm Circled Ship. Be Anxious For Nothing. The Promises, and over 100 other titles, for both iaved and unsaved, including 48 Hours in Hell. The Lake of Fire, and A Voice From Eternity . . . Free as the Lord permits. Send Postage. This work supported by voluntary offerings. PILGRIM TRACT SOCIETY (K .B .) Randleman, N. C. Founded by D. L. M O O D Y, W orld-fam ous Evangelist LAYETTES—Our Specialty "A PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD IS MOTHERHOOD" Let us serve you in preparing for that blessed event—Baby's Outfit—Shower Gifts—and Cards. Send for »prices DOLLY’S HA PPY HOME J. & M. Prufert Oceanside, Calif.

and that very nearly cost him his life. 2. The deep affection of Paul for his Jewish brethren is very impressively re­ vealed in Romans 9 :l-5, leading him to say: “ For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ fo r my brethren . . . who are Israelites'’ (vs. 3, 4). This state­ ment has raised a serious problem to inter­ preters : Could it be right for any Chris­ tian to wish himself accursed (which cer­ tainly means lost) from Christ in order to save other men? And the answer is, No. Furthermore I believe that the Greek text of the passage shows that Paul was not guilty of such a wish. The verb is an im­ perfect, literally, "I was wishing." One great linguist suggests that the imperfect tense here has “a tentative force, imply­ ing the wish begun, but stopped at the out­ set by some antecedent consideration which renders it impossible, so that, practically, it was not entertained at all” (See Word Studies, by Vincent). Paul is really say- ing; “ I could wish (if such a wish were permissible) that myself were accursed.” All such impulses are unlawful, as is clearly indicated by God’s rebuke to Moses when he uttered a similar desire (Ex. 32: 32, 33). Golden Text Illustration One day, one of the gigantic eagles of Scotland carried away a sleeping infant. The whole village pursued it ; but the eagle soon perched itself upon a lofty crag, and every one despaired of the child’s life. A sailor tried to climb the ascent, but he was obliged to give up the attempt. A robust Highlander, accustomed to hill climbing, tried but was forced to return. At last a poor peasant woman came for­ ward and putting her feet on one shelf of the rock, then a second, then a third, she róse to the very top of the cliff. While the hearts of those below were trembling, she came down step by step, until, amid the shouts o f the villagers, she stood at the bottom of the rock with the child on her bosom. Why did that woman succeed when the strong sailor and the practiced Highlander failed? Why, because between her and the babe there was a tie ; that woman was the mother of the babe. Let there be that tie of love o f Christ and to souls in your hearts, and greater wonders will be accom- plished.-SS ELECTED. On the Castle Steps A cts 21:12-40; 23:1-11 Memory Verse: “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear” (Heb. 13:6).

controversy! So infuriated was the mob that they sought to slay Paul without al­ lowing him a hearing, but the Roman au­ thorities intervened (vs. 32, 33). Paul faced the test in proving his words o f being ready to suffer and even die for Christ, by showing his readiness to face his accusers, by manifesting calmness in the midst of deadly and unreasoning per­ secution, and by persistently endeavoring to give the gospel. With a yearning heart for his “brethren . . . according to the flesh” to be delivered from spiritual blind­ ness and despair, Paul had come to Jeru­ salem persuaded that the gospel could de­ liver and save them. With indomitable courage bestowed by the Lord, he faced every danger with an imperturbable spirit. III. P axil ’ s S orrow (Rom. 9 :l-5) Seldom has there lived a man who loved his nation, his people, as Paul loved his Jewish brethren (vs. 1-3). He not only carried the burden o f the Gentile churches, but also the burden of the Jewish people with continual heaviness of spirit and sor­ row of heart, with “xmceasing pain” (R. V .) in his heart because of their re­ jection of their Messiah. Seldom has there lived a man who knew more of God’s truth than did Paul. Unr like some believers today, Paul knew that to Israel belonged “the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the .service o f God; and the promises,” the fathers, and, above all else, Christ (vs. 4, 5). These covenants and promises, given centuries earlier to the fathers, could not be annulled without questioning the veracity of God. And well Paul knew that those promises would lack fulfillment until Israel had passed through bitter sufferings because o f her stubborn rebellion. Israel’s past history and Israel’s future path were known to him. This section ends with the marvelous declaration of the essential deity of our Lord, who is declared to be “over all, God blessed for ever.” It is worth noting that while the usual word used for “blessed” means “to be fortunate,” to “to be in happy circumstances,” the particular word used in this reference occurs eight times in the New Testament and in each instance in­ volves essential deity (cf. Mk. 14:61; Lk. 1 :68; Rom. 1:25; 9:5; 2 Cor. 1 :3; 11:31; Eph. 1 :3 ; and 1 Pet. 1 :3). Points and Problems 1. " When the seven days were almost ended” (Acts 21:27). The title o f this lesson is given by the Lesson Committee as “The Heroism o f Christian Faith.” No one could possibly question the “heroism” of the apostle in venturing into the city o f Jerusalem where he was so violently hated. But it is surely a grave question whether he acted wisely in joining in the purification rites of the Mosaic law. To believe that Paul spoke and wrote by direct inspiration of God, does not mean that he never was guilty of an error o f judgment. Probably the kindest thing that can be said is that he fell into the snare because o f his burning love for his Jewish breth­ ren and his desire by all means to save some o f them. But the spectacle of this apostle “purifying himself” in the Jewish temple, for the purpose of appeasing the wrath of the Judaizers, is certainly a far cry from that apostle who once withstood Peter to his face for dissembling in the matter o f law and grace. And it is worthy o f note that it was Paul’s entrance into the temple that aroused the mob against him

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